"Why such a big smile?"

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Will pov:

"Hey Ma" I answered. I was trying to balance a bunch of bed pans. My Ma had called and I was trying to hold the phone between my head and shoulder.

"Hello William." Hmmmm not a good start. I am only William when I am in trouble.

"What's up Ma...... How's things." I said awkwardly.

"Why don't you tell me William." I flinch definitely in trouble. "Anything new happening. Catch up with any one lately."

"Huh?" Not really following. My brain may be working faster if I wasn't dodging people down the hallway. "Ma I am kinda.."

"Give anyone money and a ticket too New York." CRASH......there goes all the bed pans. I quickly scoop them up and deposit them on a empty bed. I pull the privacy curtin around.

"Will!" I sigh and face the inevitable.

"Yeah Ma, I had a visit from Dad."

"When were you going to tell me?"

"Well to be honest.......never." I said. Silence met my answer. I sigh."Look Ma I didn't want you dragged into it. Once again he just used me for cash.... what ever it doesn't matter. I just wanted to make sure he was okay. He still my Dad. A terrible one..... yeah but still a Dad. He has been calling me since to get........." something just clicked. " Wait he called you?" I asked.

It was Ma's turn to sigh. "Yes Will. He wanted money." I sucked in a breath to comment but Ma cut me off. "No I did not give him any. I learned my lesson and I had hoped you had too." She sounded disappointed. I hate that. 

"I know he is your Dad sweetie but you are in med school with barely enough money as it is. Thank goodness for Nico else I would be worried your not eating." I smiled at that. "Don't let him drag you down hon."

I sighed. "Yeah Ma. I know. I have blocked his number. No more money I promise."

"Good!" She said clearly relieved. "We miss you. Come home soon okay!"

"I will Ma gotta go. Love you."

I put the phone away and gather up all the stupid bed pans. I push my way through the curtain...... CRASH! I ran into Bryce. "Damn it!"

"Oh Will I am sorry!" I  looked up and saw his face was red and his eyes were all wet from crying.

"Hey hey don't worry about it." I  dump the pans on the bed again and pull Bryce into the curtained off room. "Bryce whats wrong?"

He shook his head and tears started to flow. "Oh Will Tim broke up with me." He rushed forward and grabbed the front of my scrubs. He began to sob.

"Oh hon I am so sorry...." he was clearly devastated. "When did this happen?"

He leaned back and looked up at me. "Two weeks ago." He chocked out. "I have had no one to talk too and I just feel so alone!" He began sobbing again.

"Me! You could of told me!" I said as I pat him on the back.

"I tried to have lunch with you so many times....... but you have been with Nico. I know he doesn't like it when you hang out with other people."

I instantly felt terrible. He had been asking me to do stuff with him all the time but I had turned him down. "Look I am sorry...Nico and I just needed to reconnect......"

"I wish Tim and I could reconnect." He let out another sob.

"Oh hon it will be okay......" he shook his head and continued to cry. "Look how about we have lunch today. On me. We can go to the pizza place around the corner you like."

"Are you sure?" He asked. "You have time for that?" He stepped back and seemed to calm down a little.

"Absolutely! Okay you and me! Lunch." I said. I picked up the pans again.

"Your such a good friend Will." He said drying his face. "Don't know what I would do without you."

"Well I am here for you sooo no need to worry." I smiled. "However the nurses up in 4A may kill me if I am away any longer." I give him a smile before disappearing down the hall.

Bryce pov

That went well. I wipe and wash my face before heading back too work.

"Why such a big smile?" nurse Leah asked.

"Oh....no reason." I winked at her and headed off to the supply room.

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