"Your jelousy is out of control."

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Will pov

*Grrrrrrr grrrrrrr*

I flinched at the sound of the coffee grinder. Does he have to do that now. I rubbed my eyes, I sat up and flinched. My back and neck ached. I should not of slept on the couch, I am way too tall. I wonder why Nico hadn't got me too bed, he usually does.


"Gahhhh" I rubbed my eyes again.


I look around for my phone and find it little way away on the ground. I check it. My heart sinks. 8:15!!!! I jump up instantly awake. I forgot my alarm. Shit shit shit!

I quickly grab a clean shirt and run into the kitchen. Nico was sitting at the counter. Drinking a coffee and drawing. He looked like he hadn't even noticed.

"Nico! I am sooooo late. Did you not see me on the couch."

He looked up at me lazily like he had just noticed I exsisted. "Mmmmhmm" he went back to his drawing.

What the hell! "Did you not think you should wake me?"

"Nope" he said without looking.

"Nico!!! What the hell!!" I shouted. That made him look up. He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Well I figured since I am not a.....supportive boyfriend then I wouldn't do things like make sure you get a good night's sleep, or get you up on time." He stood up and walked around the counter casually picking up his coffee. "You will notice that I have not made you coffee, breakfast or lunch. I have not put your clothes in the dryer......I think you get the drift."

It took me a moment to take this in. "What has brought this on."

Nico looked at me and shrugged. "I am sure a man of your intellect can figure it out. After all you went to collage and I didn't." I stood there even more confused and yet something seemed farmiliar.

"You could always ask you best friend Bryce! No doubt he would tell you deserve better than a dark alcoholic guy like me!" My heart lurched as it clicked.

"You went into my phone! Are you insane?" I accused.

"I picked up off the floor. I was gonna put it on charge before I put your ungrateful ass to bed! Then your stalker started to blow up your phone."

"So you just read it? I can't freaking believe you!"

"Me? How about you? You went and got yourself a boyfriend! Be honest! Your cheating aren't you?"

My mouth dropped open. I couldn't believe what he just said. "I would never cheat!!! You should know that and trust me..."

"Trust you!!! You told him I was an alcoholic! What else did you tell him? How long my dick is? That I still have nightmares about my sister? Did you guys get a good laugh out of that."

"This is rediculous Nico. Your jealousy is out of control!"


I look at my phone.
Bryce: where are you??????

I look up at Nico. He threw his hands up as if I just made his point for him. "That's him isn't it. God he can't leave you alone for one second."

"There is nothing going on with Bryce. Bryce has a boyfriend!!!. Bryce does not have feelings for me." I said through gritted teeth.

"Pfffttt" Nico shook his head and smirked like said something funny.

"I have to go!" I picked up my wallet and keys and leave.

*************time skip**************

"I am sure the doctor will not be much longer." I assured the older lady. I write her obs in her chart and duck around the corner to check my phone for the hundredth time. 3 missed calls from dad........ nothing from Nico. I sigh and go back to work.

"Will what happened to you this morning?" Bryce asked as he entered the supply room.

I feel tears start to come to my eyes. "Nico and I had a huge fight. Like really bad."

"Oh Will, that's too bad." He came close and put his hand on my shoulder. After a moment he said, "Maybe you are flogging a dead horse there"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Don't you think it's time to call it....... I mean all you guys do is fight...... maybe it's time to........ break up."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. Nico and I can not break up! It just can't happen. "No! No! No! It is not time. Don't say that. I love Nico! And yes we have hit a rough patch but we will figure it out! Okay so just don't say that!" I was practically yelling now. I grabbed my cart and rushed out.


"Lou I just don't know what to do!"
I was on my coffee break sitting on the park bench. "I mean I am so mad at him. He was acting........ gahh" I wipped my tear that had been trying to escape since this morning.

"Will honey calm down. It's gonna be okay." I took a breath. I could always count on Lou to help me see straight.

"I know he hates me interning......" I started.

"Oh don't be stupid!" I was a little shocked by this. "William that man adores you! He is so proud of you and that your gonna be a doc. He tells anyone that will listen. He knows you need to do this. He is supporting you...."

"He's not!!!" I interject.

"Oh he is so. I am guessing since you quit your job that Nico is paying your bills?" I didn't respond. It was true. I hadn't thought about it much lately. "He does all the cooking, cleaning and still runs his own business.......Do you think that maybe the guy is stretched thin too." I honestly hadn't thought about it. "All he wants is too see you. I know your working hard but you can't tell me you can't find a couple of hours to reconnect with him."

Suddenly I felt sheepish. She was right. No wonder we are acting crazy. I was to tunnel visioned that I didn't see how much I was putting on him. I sighed, "I miss him".

"Go fix it then Will" she said.

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