"I thought you supported me"

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Lou pov

What a great night. Hazel and Frank looked so happy.

"How awkward was Will's entrance." Cecil asked with a smirk. He handed me a soda. I had stopped the drinking and wild partying. I found I could still have fun and be able to enjoy my friends company more. I also found myself hanging out with Cecil more and more.

"Not as awkward as Nico meeting that Bryce guy." Cecil laughed.

"Speak of the devil." Cecil muttered while looking behind me.

"Hey guys!" Will said while placing his arm on my head like it was an arm rest. He enjoyed reminding me that I was short.

"Hey Will, long time no see" Cecil responded. I pushed Will away and turned to see he was not alone.

"Yeah the internship has been crazy. I have had all this extra study....... speaking of which have you met Bryce?"

The guy smiled but it looked forced. "Hi."

"Hey, How are you liking the internship." I asked. More to fill in the conversation than out of caring.

"Oh it's amazing! I have learnt so much. Thank Gods for Will though. He is so smart. He has been helping me study." The guy turned his gaze to Will. His smiled turned genuine and he seemed to look at him for far too long. I looked at Cecil who mimed throwing up behind the guys back.

I choked on my soda trying not laugh. I ended up having soda come out my nose and spilling half my drink down my front. "Shit! Excuse me." I turned and seeked  refuge in the kitchen.

In the kitchen

I grabbed some napkins and started dabbing myself.

"What happened to you?" I looked up. I thought the kitchen was empty but apparently I missed Nico standing there washing up.

"Cecil made me laugh." I said while throwing the sodden paper in the bin. I herd Nico snigger. I look up at his smirking face. "What!"

He shrugged nonchalantly, "Oh nothing, can't help but notice you laughing and smiling at Cecil more and more."

I went red. "Shut up!" I grabbed a tea towel, smacked him with it and began drying the plates for him. After a moments silence I ask, "Is it that obvious?"

"Only to those who care to observe." He bumped me playfully. I smiled. The first time I met Nico I thought he was a dark guy and a real stick in the mud. That same night he saved me. Since then I worked at getting to know him. Somehow he let me into his tight circle of friends. I was glad. He had a way of quietly looking out for people.

My musings where broke as Annabeth and Percy burst into the kitchen. "Cake!" Percy yelled. "We need cake my good man!" He pretended to bow and nearly fell over if Annabeth wasn't hanging on.

I laughed at drunk Percy. Nico rolled his eyes and indicated to the fridge. "I got it!" I walked over and opened the door to the fridge.

"We will gather the people." Annabeth grunted.

"Ahhh Nico?" I asked

"Yeah?" Nico walked up behind me.

"You feeding an army?" I indicated the huge amount of food in neat containers.

"Oh nah that's for Will. He forgets to eat well when he is busy. The food over there must suck." I turned and looked at Nico. He looked slightly embarrassed.

I lean over and kissed his cheek. "He is lucky to have you."

Nico shrugged and grabbed the cake. "Not that Will notices."

"What don't I notice." Came Will's voice in the door way.

"Time to go." I said and took the cake from Nico and walked out to the party.

Will pov

An awkward silence spread out after Lou left. I took a step closer to the man I loved.

"I was hoping to have a chance to talk." I said. Nico turned back to the washing up. He did not answer.

I tried again. "My dad's been calling."

Nico paused. " What did he say?"

I sighed. "He asked for more money. I hang up on him. Since then I have been ignoring his calls." Nico nodded and continued to wash up.

I sighed. Why is he making this so hard? "You should come out to the party." I offered.

"So I can get to know Bryce." He said quietly.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes among other things. I thought it would be nice for you two too meet"

He paused at my words. "I thought tonight was about surprising my sister."

I start to get annoyed. " Look I am sorry I was late and I am sorry I screwed up her surprise entrance. She doesn't seem to upset."

"That's beside the point." Nico threw the sponge in the sink with a splash. He turned and crossed his arms.

"What's your point then?" I asked.

"That you are never here. Even when you say you will be. Even when you get home from the hospital your not here. Your mind is else where. I oddly felt closer to you when you didn't live here!"

Bryce came through the door in a rush. He looked between us awkwardly. "The girl called Annabeth said you guys need to come out for cake." he looked at me, as to ask if I was okay. I nodded and he backed out.

I looked up into Nico's eyes. Most people thought they were black. But in the sun they were dark brown. I sighed and looked away.

"It's not like I was out playing golf you know." I said softly. "I know I haven't been around as much but I thought you understood that this was important for my career. I thought you supported me." I walked out to the party, leaving Nico too think about that.

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