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//Michael's POV\\

Music was a wonderful thing.

Music was always there for you. It didn't have the ability to break your heart, and it was always a source of comfort. I don't think I would of gotten far without music, it was what kept me alive after all.

I turned the volume up as loud as it could go and laid back in a seat. Teenagers by My Chemical Romance was playing, and the lyrics were all that was going through my mind. I was in Study Hall. So I had time to just sit back, relax and enjoy the music. I sighed happily ran a hand through my black and blue fringe, humming along with the song.

A tap on my shoulder pulled me from my daze, and I slowly turned to face the person who did it. It was Ashton, but he was not at al how I had left him. His eyes was blackened, lip split and bleeding, and angry red handprint across his left cheek. My mouth fell open when I saw him, but I was only surprised for a second. This wasn't the first time this had happened either.

"What the fuck happened to you?!" I growled and stood sharply, yanking my ear buds from my ears and stuffing them and my phone in my sweat-shirt pocket. He typed a reply to me, and I tried my best to stay patient. I needed to know.

Got beat up again But it's okay. Can you just help me clean up? I don't wanna scare Lauren and Harry.

I handed his phone back with a sigh. "It's not okay," I regarded and gently rubbed a hand over the bright red mark on his cheek. "Let's go," I murmured, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and leading him to the bathroom.

I closed the door behind us and Ashton walked to the mirror, his face falling at his own reflection. He grabbed his phone with a shaky sigh, showing it to me after he typed.

Looks a lot worse than it feels.

I sighed sympathetically and nodded before wetting a paper towel, patting the counter so Ashton would sit on it. "Lets clean that lip up. They we'll think of something to do about that eye." I handed him the wet paper towel. "Press that on your cheek; Should help the stinging. You're mother won't freak when she sees this, will she?"

Ashton sighed heavily at my words, and I immediately regretted asking. He put down the paper towel and grabbed his phone.

She's not sober enough to care, Michael.

"You know I can call CPS on the bitch, if you want?" I offered. Ashton's eyes turned dark, and he grabbed my wrist as I was about to wet another paper towel, forcing me too look up at him. His hand tight around my wrist hurt, but I know I couldn't show pain or he'd grow suspicious.

And then Lauren and Harry will be put in foster care. Over my dead fucking body. I can handle this. Only a year till I'm 18 and then I can get them out of there.

"Alright-Alright. Sorry. Let's just clean you up. Period is almost over and you gotta get Lauren." I didn't bother waiting for a response and I guided Ashton's paper towel baring hand back to his cheek before starting to dab at the blood on his lip. I apologized frantically each time he winced.

After I tossed the paper towel, he turned to look in the mirror again, sighing a bit.

The blood's gone at least. I'll just say I fell or something. Harry will believe it fine. But I'll have to convince Lauren.

"Ash-" The bell cut me off, and Ashton was quickly on his feet. He pulled his bag over his shoulder and typed one last message before leaving.

Got to go. Lauren will be wondering where I am if I'm any later. I'll text you tonight. Thanks for your help.


"Mikey!" I heard a familiar voice call. I pulled my headphones out and smiled over to my friend Calum. Calum was one of my bestfriends. We'd grown up together, and had been practically inseparable since third grade. "Hey Cal. You coming home with me today?" I asked, because he almost always did.

He pouted a bit as he shook his head. "Not today. I have practice. I just wanted to come and see you for a second cause I didn't get to today."

"Well give me a hug then." I smiled to him. He hugged me quickly. Calum and I had always been rather touchy and snuggly. I hid my face in the shorter boy's dark hair for a moment before we pulled apart.

"Can you come over after practice? There's something I want to talk to you about." He told me. I quickly nodded. I knew my father wouldn't be home till late, and my mother was on a business trip. "Of course. What time?"

He adjusted his football bag on his shoulder. "Around six. Practice ends at five fifteen, but I have to have time to shower and stuff-"I cut him off. "Because you fucking smell after practice." I teased before nodding. "Yeah. I'll see you then."

He nodded and hugged me one more time before he ran off. I put my headphones back in and turned my music on as loud as it would go before I started walking home.


I turned my key in the lock, opening the door to my trashy house. My father was at work, and he'll make a stop at the pub before coming home. My mother was gone for two more days, so I had the house to myself. I put my bag down on the couch, knowing I wouldn't do my homework until Study Hall the next day.

I made my way to the kitchen in search of a snack. I never ate at school so I could avoid any comments about my weight. To make up for that, I ate at home. But I usually forced myself to vomit everything. My biggest fear was stepping on the scale and seeing the number higher than the day before.

I grabbed a can of Pepsi and a bag of Potato Chips. Not the healthiest snack, but I'd end up purging it up again anyways. No point in not enjoying it while it actually was in my body. I made my way upstairs, sitting down on my bed, glancing to the clock. 3:56. Just over two hours until I needed to be at Calum's.

I wanted to go and check on Ashton, but I doubted he'd want me over uninvited. He had enough on his plate. His afternoons were filled with helping Lauren and Harry with homework, making dinner, cleaning, helping Harry get ready for bed. It was almost like the poor guy was a father to those kids-not like he was doing a bad job at it. He was one of the most patient, kind hearted people I knew. It's just...that was his mother's job. I didn't like seeing my friend always so exhausted. He shouldn't of had to grow up so quickly.

I looked down to my bedside table, seeing the bag of chips was almost empty and the Pepsi was gone. I cringed. I hadn't even noticed I'd eaten so much. I stood up, covering my disgusting stomach with my hands. How had I eaten so much so quickly? I was disgusting! Obese! How could I let myself do that? Those kids were right. I needed to stop eating.

Sighing heavily, I made my way to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door before I went and kneeled down in front of the toilet. My normal routine after I eat too much. It might of seemed disgusting to shove my fingers down my throat to vomit up everything in my stomach.

But it was normal for me. It was my reality.

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