Chapter one

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"Iris" Yells Regina, "Can you please come down here your going to be late again, Henry has already left,'' Regina Sighs this is happening far to often now. But then again she smiles to herself her daughter is stubborn just like she was or rather still is.

"In a minute Mama", Iris yells back down Using Mama to sweeten up Regina, she uses it when in trouble or she's done something wrong.. or wants something.

Soon after Regina drove her daughter to school so she was not more late, she didn't however go into school once Regina left Iris decided to leave, all she wanted to do was relax read through her diary and forget the world for a moment. She went to Henry's Castle.

She starts to read her diary.

The first page reads


The Next page...

August 22nd, My Birthday.

Hello me, we are eleven today it's my birthday and I got this lovely looking Diary it's Purple and has this magical look to it Mummy give me it's absolutely brilliant.

So myself and Henry are both Eleven, as we know. We are just a week apart, Henry's birthday was last week on the 15th so we always get our main gifts on our actual birthday and a dinner with mummy one to one and then a party to celebrate together on the weekend, Mother had to adopt two kids that were so close on birthdays didn't she?

As Henry calls Mum ,Mom, like all kids do here, but I say Mum. So from a young like I remember, I could hear this woman's voice it's smooth and calming sometimes not sure who it is. The voice just says  "Your Mum and Dad will see you again when the dawn of the moon shines within your hearts", I have no clue what it means but I hear it in my dreams but I liked the word mum better than mom yes it's the same but still, we understand.

As for Mum and Dad my Birth parents they abandoned me not wanting me, I was a mistake to them far more than they wanted, but mummy soon found me and took me with her and with Henry she didn't expect two of us she only had paperwork and everything for Henry she told us the story about it I asked her too, remember that.

Long long ago, she asked the owner of this town she is mayor. Mummy she wanted a child, she asked for help, and he granted that and a month later she came and got Henry the day she went to collect him there was a new baby girl who was brought in with this Amethyst stone, she had with her a bracelet it was gorgeous it is gorgeous as we still have it to this day, but it's always hidden, With a an odd Watch.

First there was a lot of paperwork and a lot of digging into who might have left me with the police but they found nothing and give the adoption agency the all clear to let the foster carers know I can be placed up for adoption they got back in contact with Mummy, then a month later asking if she was still interested and she said absolutely yes and a few weeks later I was being settled in with Henry, oh and don't forget Oppa our friend he came with us he's been with us since birth. He never used to talk but now he does.

The watch has some odd symbols on it so no one knows that I know it says I presume my real full name though I feel I should not say, so I never did it reads 'Amethyst Song' and the symbols seem well it's weird, I can understand them but I'm not sure why. However, it's now broken, I dropped it and it smashed when I opened it the clocks hands had stopped, remember? Oh we were mad at ourselves

But if I'm correct in reading it which I know I am, then I guess that explains the Stone in the Bracelet, it's a really lovely shade of Purple, that's one reason why I'm named Iris, it's a shade of purple that mum really loves though like me she loves all the shades of Purple but Black is more her and so is Purple. Anyway, I'm getting side tracked.

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