Chapter Thirteen.

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Snow falls around her, she kicks her heel annoyed. She really hated snow.

"I really Hate Snow." She screamed.

A small cough comes from behind her. She spins round ready to fight.

"I would say why, but I'm sure I've never met you before in my life." Snow White jokes as she hands her hand to Iris. "Snow White."

Iris stutters... "I... I... I meant the... the... uhh... the actual S-s-s-snow..." she gulps.

"I know sweetie." Snow replies with a small warm smile. "Who may you be?"

"I'm Iris. I'm trying to get home. I was told this bean would help me. But am I meant to throw it? Eat it? I don't understand". The pain, the hurt, the need to cry takes over Iris. She falls to the ground and tears steam from her eyes.

"Oh sweetie" Snow kneels down to the girl. She wraps an arm around her pulling her into the comforting hug Iris seeked from Regina.

"It's okay Sweetie. You're safe. You're going to get home. I don't know you. But I'll help you. I'll help you activate the bean. Come." She stands handing her hand down to Iris.

Iris took it. She wipes snow and dirt across her face as she wipes her eyes.


Regain still remains in her coma, days go past. Iris is still not home. And the Doctor knows he can't leave Storybrooke. Especially not now. He knows he can't go after his little girl. No matter how much he wants to change this for her. But he knows. He knows but he can't quite remember what he knows. He just knows he can't leave.

Something didn't seem right. River walks over to her husband.

"Sweetie? What is it?" She asks, sighing.

"I can't quite remember, I'm not sure I'm meant to know yet. Meant to remember. But when I went to send my sonic back. I knew I was never meant to go to the enchanted forest, not now. Definitely not anytime soon. But I have been. I have been before I know it. But I can't quite remember what happened." He stands shaking his head. He claps his hands together and smiles.

"Right then. Let's figure out what we can about Kovarian, OPPA and why Regina is in a coma and find a way to help Iris."


Snow managed to help Iris open the portal. However the Tardis intervenes. Sending Iris where she needed her to go.

She lands with a thud inside a garage. Knocking over a few items as she begins to get up she hears the squeak off a door.

"Lily? How many times have I told're not Lily." Young Emma stands mouth agape.

"Uhh.... N-no... I don't... where am I?" Iris asks, brushing off some snow.

"In... how.. it's not snowing?" Emma gets distracted with Snow.

"Emma..." came her adopted fathers voice. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Yes. I'll be back in a moment. Just a few boxes fell." She lies well, sorta.

"Emma? As in?" Iris asks.

"As Emma. How did you, where did you come from? The garage is shut? How did you get in?" Emma needed answers.

"I need to go. I have too. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Can you open the door please?" Iris begs.

Emma does as she is told. Unsure why but doesn't want to get into trouble she watches the girl rush off in a frantic motion. Should she go after her? Should she stay? As she thought she was about to run after Iris when She turned her eyes to the left. Lily stands. "Hi." She greets.

While Emma speaks with Lily, Iris runs till she spots the blue box.

"Dad." She happily exhales. Stopping in her tracks to catch her breath. She smiles so happily. He came. She thinks. He came for her. She can go home. Finally. She runs towards the Tardis as she swings the doors open. She doesn't notice anyone at first. But they notice her.

She closes the doors fast behind her before turning.

She faces a young blonde woman with a man, a little taller than her. Brown trench coat. Where is the Doctor she thinks. She has no idea that in front of her stands the Tenth Doctor.

"WHAT? Excuse me? You can't just rush in here? Who're you? Why are you here?" The Doctor stands confused, he moves a little closer to Iris wondering why a young woman just happens to run into his Tardis.

"Doctor? Who is she?" Rose asks.

'Doctor?' Iris raised her eyebrows. "Well, isn't it obvious he doesn't know who I am?" She sassily rolls her eyes.

"Oi." Rose protested.

"Ugh...." Iris didn't want to run out, she wanted to stay. "Please. I just want to go home. Please. Please take me home?" She was desperate.

"Where is home?" The Doctor didn't understand but knew there was a reason behind this. There is always a reason.

"Storybrooke." Iris smiles. Rose laughs.

"Seriously? Storybrooke? You must think we're idiots."

Iris was being serious and the Doctor could see this.

"I'm being honest." Iris opened her eyes a little more given off a puppy dog sad look. "Please? Help me?"

"Okay. Okay. Storybrooke. Let's see. Where will Storybrooke be?" The Doctor rushes around his console.

"I know I just uhh..." Iris looks at the door "barged in. But... Can I use the restroom?" She badly had to pee.

"Yes. Yes. Rose. Show.... What was your name?" The Doctor asks Iris.

Iris didn't know what to say. But she found herself being honest. "Iris."

"Rose." The Doctor looks at Rose. "Show Iris where the bathroom is. Iris. I like that. Iris. Such a lovely name." He smiles pulling a leaver swaying the Tardis to the side in a jolt before she stabilises.

"Thank you." Iris smiles as she follows Rose who said nothing but began walking in one direction.

While Iris walked with Rose to the bathroom the Doctor Sets sail to Storybrooke.

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