Buckeyes vs Wolverines

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When the nations looked back to Michigan's face, her angelic-looking features went from shock to pure and undeniable malice in the span of a minute that many of the countries weren't completely sure that they had even seen the transition. If that wasn't surprising enough, then what came next surely was. 

Michigan broke free of her father who tried to reach out to grab her but he was too late. In a minute, Ohio was thrown over the banister by her sister and landed onto the dining table downstairs where Virginia was trying to read though given how her house was, this is futile. On the second floor, the countries including America looked over at Michigan with shock clearly written on their faces and pure, unbridled fury on hers. Only Russia seemed to have a smile on his face.

"This house has good entertainment," the Slavic nation said in an amused tone which made the other nations turn their attention to him. 

Meanwhile, on the table, Ohio was still alive. Well, she was a state so it didn't kill her so she's fine. Still angry though. 

"Got into a fight with Michigan again, little sister," Virginia said, not looking away from her book and instead casually turned the page. 

"Oh yeah! Blame me when she was the one who threw me over the railing!" Ohio yelled back at the elder state.

Virginia still didn't look up and continued to focus on her book. She had heard this story from both of them since Michigan started to live with them after her mother died. Honestly, some of the things they fought over were just plain idiotic. Once, they even fought over which was better fries or tater tots and it somehow escalated into them being sent to the hospital. Virginia still wasn't the one to get involved in their stupidity. She was a lady and a lady has better things to do than deal with issues of her moronic siblings. 

Ohio, meanwhile, was now rushing upstairs and once she was at the top, immediately went to throw herself at her younger sister but luckily she was quickly held back by Germany who decided to be nice and help America who was struggling to hold back Michigan. "You bitch, you pushed me off the railing!"

"You insulted my mother!" Michigan yelled back. 

Ohio glared at her before saying, "Well, it's a shame she chose the losing side of Toledo."

At the mention of the city and the disrespectful tone towards her mother, Michigan was once more ready to tear off her older sister's head that even Alfred was having to plant his feet into the ground so he could keep a tight grip on her. Even then just barely. 

"Okay, what the bloody hell is wrong with two?" England yelled which caused the four to look over to the guest where said nation had his arms cross.

The two girls briefly paused to glare at England, "We hate each other and you know none of you have to be here," Ohio said to the island nation.

"Of course, Ohio continues to be the anti-social type," Michigan spits at her sister.

"Eira!" America cries as he somehow manages to keep his grip on the chocolate-eyed girl. 

"American-san, is this a common occurrence in your house?" Japan asks as he watches this madness unfold.

America sighed before nodding, "There's a reason these two are not allowed to be in the same wing as each other. On that note, when the hell did you guys start fighting today? You two promised me that you guys would be on your best behavior today."

"But Papa, I was but then that bitch mentioned Toledo again so I had too!" Michigan cried.

"Hey, I still got Toledo fair and square!" Ohio cried.

YOU HAVE WHAT!?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat