The Last Frontier (The State, Not the Nickname for Space)

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The countries and dog made their way to a large oak tree that seemed to reach for the skies where someone was sitting in the shade reading a blue-covered book with a picture of a dog howling over a snowy mountainscape that hid his features from the countries and to his side was a gray fur-trapper cap and a matching thick parka.

"Alaska!" America called, as the dog, Sakari wagging her tail and bounding over to the boy which knocked the book out of his hands and onto the grass and the gathered countries, especially Ukraine, Belarus, and (secretly) Russia were shocked by the boy's face. The first thing they noticed was his hair was a similar shade as Hawaii's and tanned skin that was a slightly lighter shade and on his body, he wore a gray t-shirt with a biplane in darker grey with dark grey pants and black boots. However, that wasn't what caught their attention. It was his eyes. His almond-shaped eyes were purple in color. The same shade of purple as Russia's. It was unnerving especially to Ukraine who had to take a second take of the boy in front of her because aside from his skin and hair color, he looked just like a child version of her younger brother right down to his large nose and to add to the strangeness, he lacked any features that would distinguish him as America's son. "Nicky, next time make sure Sakari stays by you," America said as the boy just petted the dog, not even acknowledging the presence of any other country by his father.

"Sorry, father," the Russia look-alike said as Sakari began licking his stoic face. "It won't happen again."

"Okay. Anyway, why don't you introduce yourself to our guests," America said, though to the countries he looked and almost sounded like he was pleading with the state. Alaska paused for a moment, his creepy and cold violet eyes turning towards the countries before quickly darting his eyes and grabbing his book to cover his face once again. "Alaska..."

The boy's eyes landed on America's whose blue eyes stared back and finally Alaska relented, but unmoving from his spot, "I am, the 49th state of the United States, Alaska or if you'd prefer, Peter Nicholas Jones." With that Alaska, once again, ignored the countries in favor of reading his book and petting his dog.

The countries, besides Russia, were still unnerved by the child were wondering if they should just leave the state alone when America coughed to get the boy's attention. "Anything else, you'd like to say to the countries?" he asked.

"Stay out of my room or you'll regret it," Alaska flatly said as America's palm hit his face. 

"Come on, Nicky. All the other states have had to talk to them. Please just try," America pleaded, taking a knee next to him.

Alaska looked over and said in his monotone voice, "So, you expect me to play nice to the people who came to judge my personality and ability to cause harm without knowing a single, solitary fact about me other than your my adoptive father?"

"" America asked as the countries looked between them, the guilt coming towards them as they register the cold words of the violet-eyed state of an undiscernible physical age. "Look, Alaska, just please this once and we won't bother you ever again."

"...Fine," Alaska said with a sigh of silent exasperation.  His gaze turned back to his book but said to the countries, "What are your questions?"

"Well, um..." Germany began, still unnerved by both the boy's appearance deadpanned demeanor. "You seem...stoic."

"Yes," he said. "Being overly emotional is a sign of lacking control over one's self," he said without changing his tone and no doubt offending the emotional nations, including his father, if their faces were anything to go by.

"I see," Germany said before looking over at the pregnant husky that was happily lying in the lap of her master who was petting her soft fur. "That's a beautiful dog you have there."

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