Up First!

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(I must confess the Delaware in this story is not mine but in fact the creation of the amazing and beautiful Bindi-the-Skunk on DeviantArt who so graciously gave me permission to use him so check him out on her page when you get the chance)

"This is it?" England asked as he and many other countries stared up in awe. America's main house was a ginormous estate surrounded by a large white metal and red brick gate which resulted in a large wooden and steel gate with 25 stars on each door. The home itself held a distinctly colonial design in the colors of America's flag with the brick red, the shutters a deep navy blue, and the roof a snow white with a mix of a Romanesque style to complement the former. It was actually rather impressive as most of the countries didn't think that America had any sense of well...anything really. Even France was happy about and he was usually the one to spat on anything coming from England as beneath is incredibleness. This kind of attitude usually got him punched in the face.

"That's what it said on the paper he left," Germany said as he held up the paper and checking once again to make sure.

"We should go in!" Italy said. "America's expecting us, right?"

"I still think this is a fucking stupid idea," Romano grumpily said.

"Then why are you even here?" asked The Netherlands after he was done puffing his pipe because he was definitely going to need it for the upcoming day.

Romano turned to him and sputtered out, "Well, um, to make sure this idiota doesn't do something stupid," pointing at his brother, however, something told the other countries that was not the only reason for his attendance. However, it also Romano, so...

Spain looked over before being the first to try and, knock on the gate's door and once he did a small door appeared in the wood and lifted itself revealing a hiding place for a camera and a tiny metallic disk with the former staring straight at Spain. 

"What do you want?" came a voice from the gate that scared the attending nations, well, except Sweden and Russia who came as well along with Finland if only out of curiosity. 

"Oh, um, hola," Spain began. Was this one of the states? He sounded rather young. "America's expecting us?" 

There was silence for a few minutes to the point that many of the nations thought the person on the other end had left them standing there. A few were even about to turn back before a loud, audible groan came from the other end before the voice finally said, "Come in but stay on the path and I'll open the door," and just like that the camera and what they started to think was a microphone disappeared behind the slot. Now silence. Until a large creak frightened Spain who walked back towards the other nations as they look up to see the gate opening before them. 

Once the gate was open they saw a long gravel path lead up to white stairs and then the house's patio where two columns supported the blue portico that was lined with red and white roses that were blooming rather beautifully so someone must be taking care of them? One of the states maybe. But for most of the states, they knew there was no going back but no one wanted to walk up first. They were just staring at the path then each other before Russia took the lead with that childish smile stretched across his face. 

The nations turned to each other once again before one by one they started to follow the tall Russian until the only ones still at the gates' entrance was Romano, Prussia, and Lithuania. They all gave each other a nervous look before joining the others. 

Eventually, they all made it to the crimson double doors that were designed in the style of French colonist which made France gush and England grumble. However, there was the matter of who gets to use one of the bronze knockers. As much as they hated to admit, they knew America didn't want this and many didn't want to be nuked out of existence if America was in a bad mood and answered the door. However, the voice they heard was clearly not America's. The voice they heard at the gate was a bit deeper but still younger and had a slight 'done-with-this' tone and it was that voice that would answer the door. However, nobody wanted to take any chances. Not even Italy.

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