Threat Defeated!!

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Melody POV

We found the threat that we were told about. We saw him turn into a Decepticon. His Decepticon insgina had claw marks through it. He was a black and slightly white wolf bot. We heard him talking to someone. He was just stating what his plan was, which we already know about since he told Cass over the phone.

We heard whirring noises and the sound was coming from a roughly built Spacebridge. The bridge activated and a large group of unknown individuals came out from it. As we listened in their conversation, we found out that the beings that walked thru the Spacebridge were the alien threat that he said that he was going to have come to Earth. Luna contacted General Mores and alerted him to the danger that came to Earth. General Mores said, "Take them down. We can't waste much time. We need that energy taken down now!!" Luna said, "Copy that, General Mores!"

We all came out of our hiding spots. We engaged the enemy and started fighting them. We focused mostly on the aliens rather than the Decepticon.  Luna and Cass took on the Decepticon. Cass had daggers and Luna had her guns. The humans easily got to the safety of the underground part of the base. The battle seem to drag on for awhile. Suddenly, there was an explosion that shook the earth. A large crack in the ground quickly formed. Optimus, Ratchet, and Bumblebee fell through the crack as it formed underneath them.

Cass stabbed the con in the neck cables. Luna then blasted him in the chassis several times. The con quickly went down and the Autobots had just finished taking down the evil aliens. Optimus, Ratchet, and Bumblebee were still in danger. We had to come up with a plan to save them. When I mean "we", I mean Luna. Luna is the best at coming up with plans fast. I hope that Luna can come up with a plan to save Optimus, Ratchet, and Bumblebee fast enough.

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