New Threat Rises

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Cass POV

I noticed that Ratchet was looking around at all of us. I wasn't sure if he'll remember any of us, but that didn't matter to me. I am just glad that he's finally back to normal. My phone suddenly started ringing and when I went to check who was calling me, it was an unknown number. I gotten into the habit of answering unknown numbers due to my job. So many people in the base and military have my number so it could be someone from the base contacting me for the first time.

I answered the phone as I walked away from the others. I didn't want there to be commotion in case Luna or Optimus informs Ratchet as to what he missed if he doesn't remember what happened. I said, "Hello, this is Lieutenant Colonel Cassie Winters. Who is this?" The voice on the other line said, "I known exactly who you are, Winters. Who I am doesn't concern you, but what I am up to would concern you."

I was at my work station so I went to my computer and started working on tracking this guy. He then started to talk about some "Doomsday Device". I rolled my eyes when he mentioned the name of his device. He talked about how he plans to conquer the world. You know, the typical villain plans. Anyways, I managed to track his phone. I don't know why he didn't bother using a burner phone, but whatever. The guy ended the conversation with, "I will conquer the world and then is NOTHING that you could do about it, Winters!!" The guy then did an evil laugh before I hanged up on him 'cause he was annoying. I know his whole plan now so I refuse to hear his voice any longer than I have to.

I walked back to the main area. Luna informed me that Ratchet surprisingly remembers what happened when he was a sparkling. He looked at me and was smiling. I was told from the other bots that Ratchet didn't smile much. I smiled back at Ratchet and then I got serious as I turned to Luna. I said, "Luna... There's something important that I need to speak with you about. In private." Luna raised her left eyebrow in confusion. Luna clearly noticed my serious tone and nodded cautiously. She knows that when I'm serious about something, it isn't guarantee that it is good. I walked to my work station as Luna followed closely behind.

Once we got to my work station, I told Luna about the phone call. Luna carefully listened and once I finished, Luna reached for her radio. She commed General Connor Mores and informed him what I told her. General Mores told Luna that he'll inform his higher-ups and told Luna to have her team prepared. He said, "Your team will most likely be assigned the task of stopping this guy. I know that Cassie most certainly had attempted to and most likely succeed in tracking this guy. Be sure that your team is ready for anything as usual. Knowing you, you'll have plenty of backup plans for a plan that pretty much covers anything normal that would happen and could happen. Your team must be ready, I'll inform the higher-ups now. I will be speaking to you as soon as I can, Luna Winters. Have your team ready, Winters." Luna said, "Copy that, General Mores!!"

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