Mission Memory Lane

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Luna POV

It's been a few days since the knife fight and the death of Silas happened. MECH had completely disbanded and Cass went on the mission that General Connor Mores mentioned. Cass had just came back from that mission an hour ago. Ratchet was really happy about her return. Cass played with Ratchet for the whole time she's been here so far. I am curious as to why Silas wanted the device to badly.

Ratchet was so busy playing with Cass that he let Optimus wonder on his own. I kept by him to keep an eye on him. Optimus was sitting by the edge of the human area. He was watching the other bots and he sighed. He started messing with his peds, but I clearly noticed his frustration. I went up to him and sat next to him. I said, "What's wrong, Optimus?" Optimus looked at me for a bit and then turned his attention back to his peds. He said, "It is simply... Frustating that I cannot assist my companions with anything due to my size..."

I sighed and said, "I know what it's like to be one size and suddenly be much smaller, Optimus." Optimus looked at me, surprised. Optimus turned his frame to face me and he said, "What do you mean by that, Luna Winters?" I laughed and said, "How many times do I have to remind you that you don't have to call anyone on my team by first and last name, Optimus?" Optimus said, "My apologies, Luna." I sigh in slight frustration and said, "Optimus, you don't have to apologize. It's an honest mistake and everyone makes mistakes from time to time. It doesn't matter if you're human or an alien, you can still make mistakes."

Optimus then said, "I am curious as to what you mean when you said that you know what's it like to know how it is when you're one size and then you're suddenly the other, Luna." I said, "Well that's a very long story, Optimus." Optimus said, "I have time. It's not like I could do much due to my size." I laughed and said, "I disagree with you there, Optimus." Optimus had a rather questioning look on his faceplate. I started to tell Optimus the story of what happened to me 4 years ago.

×Story Time!×

It all started one sunny Friday afternoon. My team and I were assigned a mission by General Mores. The mission took place in an unknown facility. General Mores was ordered to have a unit investigate the facility and make sure that they weren't up to anything evil. General Mores had my team investigate the facility due to our large skill set. My team and I had arrived at the facility at 1:30 pm. We activated a device that each of us had attached to our uniforms. The device had turned our uniforms into the uniforms we spotted from the workers inside when we peaked through a window.

We activated ID cards at can change depending on the task ahead. We easily snuck in completely under the radar. No one in the facility knew who we really were. We found out that the scientists in the facility were working on a project called Project Chaos. We found out that Project Chaos was a device that could reverse the age of a person so that they'll be a kid. When used on a wide scale, it will cause chaos to ensue. There'll surely be many car crashes, plane crashes, boats sinking, and much more if the device is used.

We silently informed General Mores about Project Chaos. He said, "I'll send backup there as fast as possible. Work on getting the device or destroying it." We took the task and went to the device to destroy it and the plans for it. Then the unexpected happened. The device was being tested and something went wrong. The device was on the verge of exploding. I managed to get my teammates away from the blast and I ordered them to get to safety, but I didn't get out of the way fast enough. I was hit with the blast and I even have the scar to prove it.

The whole facility ended up collapsing, but at least my team took the order and got out safely. Backup arrived and everyone was searching. Some soldiers were getting the scientists and other workers in the facility. My team and other soldiers were looking for me. I was under several chunks of rubble. I had small space due to the position of the rubble. I quickly noticed that something was very wrong.

I noticed that I had too much available movement for the small space and my size. I quickly found out that I had somehow be turned to the size of a toddler, but I had the mindset of an adult soldier. My physical body was turned into a toddler, but my mind stayed the same. I could have easily escape from beneath the rubble if it wasn't for one thing. There was a chunk of rubble on my right leg. I still have the scars from that too. I didn't have my normal strength to move the chunk of rubble off my leg due to my size and not being strong enough to lift anything.

I kept calm and heard barking. The barking was coming from my K-9, Allura. I managed to grab a small, nearby rock. I threw it through the small spaces of the rubble. I heard a bark and the rumble above me started to shift. After a short while of shifting rubble chunks, I saw very familiar paws. I soon saw the rest of my K-9 and she yelped in surprise. She then whimpered when she clearly realized what happened to me and that my leg was stuck. I heard my sister, Cass, yell, "Allura, did you find her?"

Allura barked twice and then whimpered in response. Allura went to my side and started licking my face as rubble above us shifted more. Soon, I was brought into the light as my leg was finally free again. My leg was badly injured and I was very small. Everyone that saw me gasped. Cass yelled, "What the hell happened, Luna?!" I said, "The blast probably turned me into the size of a toddler, but I still have my mind." Beea said, "Aww~~ You're so~ cute like this, big sister."

A few days had passed and I was still the size of a toddler. I wasn't sure if I would be back to my normal size or not. I wasn't sure how I could help my team, not so much lead them. For what had felt like years, I felt useless. I felt like there wasn't anything that I could do. I felt like I was a burden to my team and I didn't want that. I felt lost in what my purpose in life was. I eventually found out what my purpose is or at least part of it after a certain event happened to my team.

It was July 4th and people were preparing to celebrate Independence Day at night so their fireworks could be seen in the night sky. I was watching the morning sky as my team was on a mission. I watched a few clouds calmly pass by my sight. I received a radio transmission and thought that my team had finished or at least was giving a mission report. I heard rumbling and crashing. Midna's voice spoke in great fatigue and stress. She said, "Luna, we need help!! The cave is starting to cave in on itself. We need backup." I said, "I could call in backup from a nearby base, but I'm not sure if they could get to you guys fast enough." I heard Cass yelling from a distance. She said, "NO!! WE NEED YOU, LUNA!!" I was shocked and said, "I can't... I'm too small to help..."

Cass yelled furiously, "DIDN'T YOU ALWAYS SAID THAT SIZE DOESN'T MATTER?!" I said, "I did say that, but it was for the impact you make the world. It wasn't for saving lives from a cave in when you're a toddler." Beea yelled, "YOU'RE NOT A TODDLER!! YOU'RE OUR LEADER, FRIEND, AND, IN TWO CASES, SISTER!! YOU HAVE EXPERT LEADERSHIP AND INCREDIBLE SKILLS. YOU CAN FIND A WAY JUST LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO, LUNA!!"

I sighed in frustration, but I knew that they were right. I am their leader, friend, and, in two cases, sister. I do have the skills to find ways out of plenty of situations. I couldn't just sit here and stare that the sky when I know that there is something I could do to help my team. Especially when I know that they're in danger and need my help.

I went to their location as quickly as I could. I managed to get there before the cave collapsed. I easily found my teammates. Cass ended up getting a rock landing on her leg. I managed to find a way to get the rock off of her using my surroundings. I managed to guide them to safety.

I was shocked when I saved my team and yet I was the size of a toddler.I quickly realized that not matter how small I am, I'll always find a way to save my team, friends, and family. It didn't matter to me what my size was anymore, all that mattered was guiding my team and doing our job as it was supposed to be done. Cass found a way to get me back to normal the very next day. I got to my normal size that day and I knew that I couldn't forget what happened the day before.

×Story time ends×

I said, "That is what I mean by I know what it's like to be one size and suddenly you're much smaller, Optimus." I looked around and noticed the other bots, my teammates, and the kids were suddenly around us. I yelled, "WHEN THE HELL DID Y'ALL GET HERE?!" Those from my team giggled and Cass said, "Close to the beginning of the story."

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