EP 27- Fustration

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You got home.

Soomin was there waiting for you, sitting on couch while her hands were occupied with her phone.

"Where were you?" Soomin puts down her phone and approached you.

"Where else? The work place." You replied back a bit coldly and throw your bag on the couch next to Soomin's phone.

"You okay?" Soomin asked worriedly.

"I'm alright." You said and started walking towards the stairs and Soomin picked up your bag and kept it on table while you  went to the bedroom.

You jumped on your bed and hugged your pillow besides you.
"You won't eat anything?" She peeked through the door and asked.

"I'm not hungry. Eat and sleep." You said again coldly to your childhood friend while throwing your pillow away.

"What happened y/n? You know you can tell me." Soomin came near you and you avoided her.

You wanted to be alone right now.
You don't understand what's going on with you but you wanted to be alone.

You got up and went near the window  and your back faced Soomin.

"What is it?" She hugged you from back when you were staring at window.

"Stop this." You said and freed yourself from her warm embrace, and went near the table and put your phone on the table still avoiding her.

"C'mon, what happened?" She asked again and followed you.

How would you answer what's wrong when you yourself don't know what's wrong.

You felt something.

Something like fustration.
Covered with confusion and anger and annoyance.

"Soomin please I want to be alone." You said as you started to get annoyed by Soomin's clingy-ness.

"Talking will help." She said and smiled and hugged you again.

"I said stop!" You let it all out.

You yelled at her and moved her hands away from your waist.

"But what's even wrong?" She got a bit aback and asked.

"Just stop talking shit and go out right now!!!" You yelled and you felt guilty too but right now your fustration ruled you out.

"Shit? My talk is shit for you?" She said and she started tip-toeing back towards the door still facing your face.

"I said I don't want you here.. please go away." You still sounded a bit angry.

"Of course. Of course you don't want to hear what I say." She said and closed the door.

"Soomin that's not what I meant..." You said but it was late she was already down you can hear her steps down

She was walking down very quickly as the beat of her legs was getting faster and faster till it stopped.

You plopped on the bed.

"What's happening to me? Why are I getting angry without any reasons..." You said to yourself and rubbed your forhead.

"Argh! I need to talk with Soomin." You said and got up from bed and started walking downstairs.

"Soomin? I'm sorry alright." You said as you quickly walked down the stairs while your eyes scan the room looking for Soomin.

Your tiny childhood friend was no where to be found.

"Where is she?" You looked around the place.

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