EP 14 - 95 liners

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You felt something weird and heard a familiar voice..

You open your eyes and your were shocked.

You saw a man, without any top on his upper body, showing his back..

He has blonde short hair, he is wearing a long pants and currently his back is showing to you.

You left a deep something.

But you quickly came back to sense and asked the man.

"What the hell is going on!?  Why are you shirtless!? Who are you !??" You asked in most furious voice of yours.

The man turn around.

Your jaw dropped.


This is Taehyung...

He turned and smiled.

The innocent, boxy smile, at time like this?

"Ah! Manager, your here, please help me with this dress." Taehyung said as he showed a big dark top in his hands.

"Manager!? ME!?  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??" You screamed.

He looks very confused just like you.

"What do you mean manger? You said you would help me with this." Asks confused taehyung.

He comes near you, looking in your eyes, he looks puzzled but he looks so handsome, you can't help but fangirl.

His hairs are so messy but cute, his eyes are blue, maybe he is wearing blue contacts, his blonde hair and his cute yet handsome face and his deep voice.

"Manager? Manager Kim? You said you will help with this dress and you went out to take some sissors   to  take  this part out,  didn't you?" He says as he looks at you in very confused way.

"Are you alright manger?" You heard a sweet voice from behind the door, there stands a sweet and plum boy with sliver hairs.

The boy too has messy hairs but this one is wearing a bright blue jacket and he seems his wearing makeup, his lips are so luscious and hair so shiny.

That boy is Park jimin.

Shit. What's happening!? Where am I?

"Who manager? Me?" You ask the handsome mans standing in front of you.

Taehyung puts on shirt again. And comes near you, jimin follows him from behind.

Both of them are so close!!!

"Old y/n wake up" says taehyung.

You jaw dropped.

Wait a minute...

Why did taehyung called me old y/n?

You open your eyes widely.

You stand up in shock.

Your in your room.

And you look down to see Soomin low key judging you.

you realise something.

This was a dream.

You screamed.

And Soomin gives you disgusted look.

"What even happened a nightmare!?" Asks Soomin.

"No it was the best dream ever!!!" You scream in joy.

"What was the dream?" Soomin gets excited too.

"I saw Taehyung And jimin in real life!!!" You say enthusiastically and jumping on the bed.

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