EP 2- Namjoon?

469 23 4

It's your last class for today

You look out if window, staring at the sky, and wonder what happened to them, if I could go back in time I would save bts.

"Excuse me!!!"

"Huh!?, Me!?"

"Yes you, you are not paying attention to what I am saying. Please read out in loud what I was saying." Says the teacher with glasses.

"Um... I .. I am sorry" you can't help but stutter, everyone is staring at you.

"Miss what is your name?" Asks the teacher. "I..t's y/n" you can't help but notice people whispering about you, and you feel like you will cry any moment now, it's first day of school and it sucks already.

"I -will pa-y atten-tion next ti-me" now you are bitting your lips hard enough for them to bleed, and you suddenly hear-

"Mrs Lee, let her be"

You don't even have courageous to look up, you fixed your eyes on your desk, not moving them at all.

"But Mr Jung... She wasn't paying attention to what I was teaching, she was looking out of window,and all I did was ask her to read" says Mrs Lee while trying to prove herself innocent.

"Mrs Lee you can clearly see that she is anxious, why are you making it worse then"

''Sit down miss" says the man.

Without even seeing who it was you sit down, not looking anywhere else, then you slowly say "sorry" "it's alright" says Mrs Lee "please pay attention to me next time".

You nod, without making any eye contact with the teacher.

Then you heard the bell.you sigh in relief, you grab your backpack and walk out faster then anything.

You then hear someone calling you "Miss" that voice is of Namjoon, you turn behind to see if it's Namjoon or not when you remember that Namjoon isn't alive anymore...

You look back and see Mr Jung Namjin.

You bow down and apologize for your behavior, "hey it's alright" says Mr Jung.

He was so kind, The teacher. Then he smiled with his beautiful dimples when you accidentally say "they are like RM."

He looks at you all surprised as if he has seen a ghost, his smile has changed to a serious look now, and you feel like you messed up.

"I am so sorry Mr Jung" you bow down, "I didn't mean to" you don't know why but you feel like you hurted him, he probably don't know who even Namjoon is , yet he is acting as if he knows Namjoon.

He then says it's alright and goes back in full swing, he doesn't look back at all.

You don't know why but you chased him. "Wait Mr Jung" you screamed. He doesn't look back at all. You are still running after him, why did he left like that, does he know Namjoon? He knows bts ?

You both exit in behind school, he halts and looks behind, at you.

His eyes are stating that he is scared. He seems rather angry now.

"Who are you!? How did you find me!? And why are you after me!?"
He is nearly in tears.

" I am sorry Mr Jung, but are you alright?" Your breathing heavily after running after him. Wow he has more stamina than you, he looks Young like 32 or something.

"Leave me alone, I am not Namjoon."

Namjoon- you didn't said anything about Namjoon yet he is... It's suspicious.

"Do you know bts, Mr Jung?" You asked doubtfully, he must've know them cause he said Namjoon not RM and I am positive I said RM.

"How!?" He asked you, more like he questioned himself. "How do you recognize me... It should be impossible... Yet you-"

"Please don't tell anyone I beg you" now Mr Jung is in tears, and it's your fault. But you don't know what happened...

"Mr Jung I am so sorry, I really didn't mean to make you cry, I just thought of bts that's it" you said as you give him a hankercheif.

He rejects it, "who are you?" asks the man in tears while rubbing his eyes.

"I am y/n, a student here, and I really didn't have any intention to hurt you." You said as you are recollecting your thoughts.

He said he is Jung Namjin, but when I said RM he rushed away, and said he isn't Namjoon, does that means he is Namjoon? But how is that possible? He he-- died in a accident didn't he?

"Are you an army?" Asks the man . "Do you live here?" He is asking you alot of questions. But why?

"I am an army, and I live here." You say even though your still lost in thought.

"Army, please don't tell anyone about this." The man pleads.

"I won't ever" you say without any hesitation. You do wanna ask him alot of questions but you are well aware this is not the proper time and place.

"I will go Mr Jung, Please take care of yourself, and sorry for bothering you." You feel guilty that because you made someone cried, and more because he might be Namjoon. He might be member of bts.

The group who taught you many things, when times were dark they were your light, the only light.

He says "stop, I want to have a talk with you".

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