EP 19- Pattern

165 12 1

You open your eyes...

"Huh!? This place again!?" You say to yourself as you look around yourself.

You stand up and look around when you heard the familiar voice.

"Why are you dead?" This voice is of the mysterious voice.

"I am dead!?" You say astonishingly.

" You are back here, your dead." Says the voice.


" But I haven't save BTS yet... Or Soomin's dad.. or Soomin." You say while trying to hold your tears.

"Don't cry, y/n you make me feel sad. You're not dead, just passed out, you'll soon wake up, but since you are here anyways, tell me how things are?" The voices says.

"Passed out!? I remember the car crash..." How can I be alive?" You question the voice.

He chuckles.

"Y/n, you forget it so soon, you forget your ability?"  The voice questions you.

"Going back in past ability?" You ask the voice.

"Ah-hu! So you remember after all. Good to know." The voice answer weirdly.

"How can I go back in time? It's very confusing." You ask the voice as you are very confused.

You heard him sigh.

"It's not that hard to remember, is it? Well since it's so hard for you to remember a simple thing, I will give you this instead, with this you can go back in time."  The voice says with heavy tone of scarism and then you heard a loud thud.

You look behind and see a watch laying on white floor.

You pick up the watch and see the time, it's says "4:57"

"What will this watch do?" You ask the voice.

" Ghosh y/n! It will help you travel back in time. Now you have to set the time you remember, then by clicking the small button in next it will transport you to that time and that place." Explains the voice.

" Oh! So I have to remember the exact time?" You question the voice.

"Hmm hmm"

"Also I don't like the fact that you keep on telling everyone about your ability." Voice says.

"I shouldn't tell them? Will it effect the future?" You ask him.

"Well let's just say it'll change alot of things but it's your choice. Do what you want to." Says the voice.

"Huh!? What do you mean?" You ask again confusingly.

"No time to waste. Save your friend she has got seriously injured. See you later." Says the voice.

You set the time at 3.

A bright radiant light escapes the watch, it's so bright that your forced to close your eyes.

Then again you feel the weird feeling.

You open your eyes.

You are in your car, you have the watch on your wrist, it looks so normal, but it has special powers.

You look around you and see Bighit company.

"So this must the time when I rushed back in car to save Soomin."

Then you begin to drive again, hoping that this time she is alright, but you don't remember the time, so hope this one works for you.

You are still hella worried about her, but this time you know you have to be careful, you see the car which you crashed with, it is around the street now.

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