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(Sam's POV)

Instead of the usually knocking I wake up to, there's a plush force that knocks into the back of my head startling me awake. The burn in my eyes is immediate from the thrown open curtains, making it impossible for me to see the pillow thrower in this very second. Before my eyes can fully adjust, the intruder starts right up.

"You are aware it's my job to know what every single one of you are doing... Did you really think you could just continue hanging out with those kind of people with out getting caught?" Selene's tone stays serious yet monotone as she casually walks back and forth in front of my window, keeping her eyes on me. I squint, trying to make out the expression on her face. I am so done for... she knows about the hangout last night. I should have listened to Elton and Devyn's concerns more, instead I just trusted Tara that nothing could go wrong.

"I am so sorry, I was just talking to my fellow guardian and she mentioned it. I honestly didn't even know it was wrong what we were doing, just thought it'd be fun to have a night out after watching over the kid," I put my head down waiting for her to tell me what the consequence of this were. Yes it was a bit of a lie, I knew it was wrong but hey, if it'll soften the punishment.

She wears a strong scowl as she walks over to my bedside, "There's extreme measurements we must take for such an act Samuel." I close my eyes just waiting for her to tell me I'm kicked out before even officially starting. Instead I'm met with laughter, "Wow you should have seen your face, that was priceless. Don't worry no trouble coming your way. Keep you and your fellow Angels safe and I don't care what you do. But please be more careful because others will, don't worry I'll keep your dirty secret," she winks and turns for the door. "Be down stairs in five, we're having a meeting," the door remains open after she walks out.

"As you all know very few of you have already been doing jobs, for those of you who have they might not be your set role here," Leo's loud voice bounces off the walls for everyone to clearly hear. "Soon though you will all be getting assigned roles, it is unlikely that these will change unless absolutely necessary. So if you have complaints, well, keep the job for at least a decade before coming to higher ups with them. Questions?" The way he asks for questions you can tell he expects or wants no one to have any, so we don't even mumble a response. "Lovely, so from now on we will be training, there will be Angels watching over you to see how you react to these exercises, and that is how we will be determining the type of Angel you will be," he nods at us all before taking his leave, Selene coming up to take his place.

"Some of you are probably wondering, 'well what are the options', I'll tell you them. We have our Communicit's, these will be the ones in contact with the Demons and higher ups, there will be very few of them. Care Takers, very important here, they give other Angels their wings, heal our Battle Angels. Guardian's, you will come to them for when you wish to place a 'miracle' upon the humans. While on topic, Guardian Angels, the ones to go down and watch over selected humans, you may have more then one child to watch over at a time, you will be the only ones in complete contact with Demons. Battle Angels as mentioned, will be the ones to fight and bring back rogue Angels or Demons, in charge of keeping everyone in check; You will also deal with the Fallen Angels, and train the new Angels. Clearly the best ones if you ask me," we all laugh knowing that's what she is.
"And those are our four, other then the higher ups which obviously have roles catered to them personally. We encourage all of you to do much reading on all roles even if you don't think you'll get that one. Now, Leo will explain how training, starting tomorrow, will go for you all."

His speech goes on for hours upon hours, by the end my legs are burning for standing so long. And all I really got out of it is there will be three weeks of mental and physical tests, by the end you'll have your assigned role and wings. Cora came up to me after the meeting just to let me know after and before training I am still expecting to watch over Blue, which was actually good news for me.

After that drawn out speech some of us decided to go in one of the break rooms or hangout rooms as we call it to make this feel less like a work place, which it's kinda starting to. But at least for right now I have my escape with Tara and Corey, Cora told me if I get assigned a different role Blue will get a new Guardian. Which is likely seeing as I'm not supposed to be around Demons... A stressful thought that I'm trying to forget about until that time comes.

"It was the worst feeling, like this insatiable burn one second and then colder then ice the next, not that I remember having headaches but this one had to have been the worst. Worth it though, I can now kinda remember my sister in my first life, just like her name and what she looks like but still. They told me the memories are gonna come in order, so I gotta wait to completely remember my first life before my second and so on, which is good because I would be so confused other wise," Aaron laughs from where he's laying on one of the ivory carpets.

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I can't wait to have a headache," Elton slightly giggles, his shoulders shaking as he does so.

"Guys I'm tiredddd," Devyn whines cutting in.

"Go to bed then, I mean you're basically laying on top of me anyways," I flick her shoulder and she looks up to glare at me but I just smile in response.

"I could go for an early night in," Elton yawns, standing. "I mean they did call us down way earlier and I haven't really slept at all the last few days." Devyn nods in agreement.

"Are you going to come up with us or stay here Sammy?" She asks waiting by the door with Elton.

"I'm not really tired but yeah I'll go with. Keep us updated Aaron, your memories are like the only entertainment here other then books about Angels and Demons." He says 'I know right' and I say goodbye to everyone before going up to Devyn's room.

"Honestly lucky Aaron for being the first one getting memories. I seriously am so curious as to what I got up to on earth," Devyn starts conversation back up. Elton's already asleep in bed, Devyn next to him.

"You were probably a crazy party animal," I joke, looking away from my book.

"Please, I didn't even leave my house more like. I know I'm gonna be so disappointed with myself," she laughs and lays down.

I just hum in response knowing she'll probably be asleep before she can even respond again. Which I'm correct, her small snores being heard from where I lay on this round bench near the corner.

I'm hours into research on Guardians when slowly I stop being able to process the words. Growing really hot, I throw the blanket I was wrapped up in to the floor. I grab onto my hair with both hands as spikes of heat shoot through my brain. It's so painful that I can barely keep quiet. Then it shifts, so fast I can barely pick up that it's a different feeling seeing as this one is just as horrible. But then I remember what Aaron said- colder then ice.

Is this considered a cliffhanger? I don't think so😂 Sorry for no Demons this chapter, (Don't worry you'll get lots of Solby next chapter 👀) it was just to let you know what Heaven will be like for Sam now on. Hope you guys still enjoyed it though.
Lot's of Love- B 🖤
(Word Count: 1427)

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