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(Sam's POV)

I slowly open Blues door just to make sure he's completely safe before I leave. A small smile makes it's way to my face once I see he's peacefully sleeping under his blankets, face smushed by his pillow. I've been doing okay at this whole Guardian thing, Tara says I'm already getting way better than some. With that I close his door making sure not to make any noise and head back home.

I clench my eyes shut from the bright light, once the brightness fades I lightly blink my eyes open letting them adjust, I'm still new to this whole angel thing.

"Finally!" Devyn stands from where she was sitting. "Aaron's been getting memories back all day, and I heard the council talking apparently a demon was trying to come over here. Also did you know we get wings too??"

"What? We get wings!?" Wait what do we do with those?

"Yes! They told us when you were gone that once you unlock all your memories you get them, I'm so excited for that, have you seen the others wings? They're absolutely gorgeous! Oh also I'm supposed to be meeting with the demons again today, come with me to meet them please," she wines with begging eyes.

I want to go, I want to meet other ones that aren't Tara because she seems so strong yet comforting in a way. I want to see what others are like, I know I'm not supposed to be over there but what's one time?


"Wait what?! Are you being serious?" I laugh and nod at her reaction. She cheers and starts jumping around the empty white room. "I've only talked to one but she says others will be with her today."

"Her? Do you remember her name? Maybe it was Tara, you know the demon I told you about."

"No, her name was Xepher... Maybe Tara will be there today though," she shrugs. "It's just gonna be me and Elton going, so we should be able to sneak you with us just fine..." She rubs her chin as if in deep concentration trying to think of a plan. "I say we just wing it," she concludes after a moment of silence.

"You couldn't think of anything better could you?"

"Nope!" she laughs and grabs my wrist running out the room.

"If someone finds us I am absolutely dead," I whisper as we all meet at the beginning of the tunnel.

"You're already dead bud," Elton quietly laughs, he swings a heavy arm over my shoulders. "We'll be fine, if someone sees you I'll take all the blame, alright?" I shake my head not wanting him to get in trouble for me, he's right we'll be fine.

"Okay then, lets do this?" Devyn asks looking to the both of us. Elton and I nod, his a bit more confident then mine. "In we go then!" She whisper-cheers and takes a step into the tunnel/halfway thing. Shouldn't it be more dark in here? We're literally walking to hell and the lights are still glowing white with all their might.

I take a small step behind Elton as we make our way through the entrance, I quietly close the white painted brick door behind me. My shoes crunch against the rough gravel filling the hallway with that sound. As we continue to walk I take notice of the way the lights are dimming to a warm yellow, the walls look more aged and there's writing and graffiti starting too.

It's almost as if the entire energy is slowly switching, from the creams and nature minimalistic look, to this edgy and aged one. Within ten minutes the lights are completely red but a darker red, blood red. The actual stone wall covered in drawings of all colors, they're so layered you can barely read most of them.

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