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Okay so the book from now on takes place way before the intro so don't get confused lol

(Sam's POV)

"If I'm being honest I just don't understand why they get to go but I have to stay here. That just doesn't any make sense to me."

"It doesn't need to make sense to you seeing as we make the rules here, now does it?" The head angel asks while staring at me.

"I thought angels were supposed to be nice, what did you all just wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Wait do we sleep? Or is it like some weird vampire thing?" I drift from the topic now confused and curious.

"Yes we sleep not as much as humans but yes we still do. What we do here is a lot more than just being sweet with open arms Sam, especially with our own. I promise, after a few years you will start to understand why we make the decisions we do." I highly doubt that.

"But can you just explain now why we all have been in holding for a week, you take us out and now all them but me get to do angel things? Where are they even going?"

"To the demons." Wow okay yeah so those are real too, great.

"Yeah you know on second thought I'm completely okay with you keeping me from there. Where is there? Do they like jump off a cloud and land in hell?" An older woman probably around 60, sitting all the way to the right laughs shaking her head.

"No dear there's a hallway that leads to it there is no jumping involved. I'm Cora by the way. I know this might all seem very confusing right now but I promise we'll be right here if you need anything. Now would you like to pick your new room? Since you're still here you get first pick." She asks with a sweet smile. I just smile back slightly and nod not really knowing what else to do.

"Come on this way then." She stands up opening a door waiting for me. I take a deep breath and stand up following her out the door.

I squint my eyes because the brightness of this room. It's all glass and has so much light coming through it, even the floor is see through. I look down only seeing puffy pillow like clouds through it.

"Gorgeous isn't it? I know when I first got here I was absolutely stunned." Cora says me looking back up to her.

"Yes very, how long have you been here?" I ask as she starts walking again through this huge room, to one of the many doors once again opening it for me.

I gasp and stop looking around me. It almost looks like a campus but a hundred times better. It's around twenty levels I'm guessing the whole thing also being a circle, the walls a beautiful cream color with big windows everywhere.

There's breath taking victorian gold furniture and frames hung on the walls holding paintings. The floor beneath me all white and gray marble, with some of the greenest plants all around the floor and thick vines growing up the wall big white roses intertwined.

The roof of this place being blue stain glass making the whole room seem to have a filter over it. On each level there is doors that lead to I'm guessing rooms also being marble matching the floor.

I notice Cora starts walking again so I go behind her following. She goes on the spiral staircase that leads to every level stopping on the fifth.

"So this is the level for new comers as yourself. All the people that you met earlier will also be staying on this level." She tells me which I just nod to. "So any room catch your attention? Feel free to walk around and ask to go inside any of them."

I hum and start walking on my own lightly touching each door. I stop at one that's a little darker than the rest pretty far to the left. "May I see this one?" She grins and nods walking over pulling out a key to unlock it.

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