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(Sam's POV)

I'm sitting in my window seat just starring out as my door opens revealing Cora. "Hello dear, how was your first night?" She asks sounding tired and goes to set clothes on my bed pausing and looking at a sleeping Devyn questioningly.

"Good.." I whisper back and just turn leaning back on the window. She hums and walks over to me.

"Today is your first official day so we won't be doing much just showing you around, getting a feel for your personality to see what type of angel you will be." She takes a seat next to me.

"I get to do the same thing as everyone else today right?" I ask her hopefully. "Yes of course, only when it has to deal with demons you will not." She smiles at me standing back up lightly tapping Devyn to wake her up.

Devyn and I stayed up very late talking about everything trying to learn about each other but, seeing as we don't remember anything about our selves that was pretty hard. She fell asleep a few hours ago so I just left her alone.

Devyn stirs awake and then quickly sits up looking around the room. "Wow... So that wasn't all a dream." Cora laughs shaking her head.

"Now that you're both awake," she walks out the room for a second coming back with more clothes handing them to Devyn. "Get dressed and then meet me at the Fountain please." She smiles at us and then walks out the door closing the door behind her.

"Okay am I the only one getting weird vibes from her?" Devyn asks staring at the door with scrunched eyebrows. "We're all dead I'm getting weird vibes from every single one of us." I laugh standing up going to the room I'm guessing is the closet leaving Devyn to change in there.

I push open the door and look around the beautiful huge closet. I look at the corner of the room confused at the glass and gold shower. Well I guess since we don't have bathrooms so that makes sense.. I just shake my head and quickly change into the white jeans and t-shirt she gave me.

Is there like shopping places here? Because this outfit is a no and this closet is empty. Okay off topic. I sigh and turn around walking back out the closet seeing Devyn standing by the door waiting for me.

"We ready for this?" She asks opening the door. "Nope." I laugh and walk out the door.

"Does anyone have questions?" One of the angels that was in that meeting room from yesterday asks. His name was Leo if I remember correctly. "Um yes a lot actually..." We all look over to a guy that has a beard with ebony hair standing there with a nervous smile.

The guy standing at the front gives him a comforting smile moving his hand urging the ebony to continue. "So um.. this entire thing seems twisted from what people say about angels and demons. We're supposed to be the more harsh ones? But they're the punishers?" Yeah that's a very good point.

"Correct. It's our job to decide who gets punished and who comes to heaven. Think of demons as cops... They punish the bad, doesn't mean they are at all bad them selves. Angels live their ten lives very self dependent some would even say cold. Then demons are the ones who spent it helping and defending people." Leo informs us.

"As time goes on this will all make a lot more sense." Leo laughs scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay okay you're gonna bore the poor things to death. They're already dead give them a break." A small pixie looking girl steps next to him with a teasing smile.

"Hello my lovelys what my dear friend here is trying to say is we were all complete jerks in our lives so we could be the strong keepers we are now." She laughs patting him on the back.

"But enough of this boring junk follow me it's time to learn the more interesting parts." She jumps off the small podium they were on and walks to the back left, us following.

She opens a door for all of us leading to a room with huge wings in frames huge on the wall. "Don't worry those are from fallen angels you guys are safe... For now." She gives us the side eye joking.

"So! What we are doing here is I'm gonna scan your brain seeing as you all remember nothing, find out the type of person you are. That way, we know your type of angel and can give you clues to like your style and everything, because you're all dressed like this is a cult." She shakes her head looking us all up and down.

"Okay you first!" She points to the ebony boy waving him over like she's dancing. Okay she's my new favorite person. I cover my mouth trying not to laugh.

This continues for about twenty minutes seeing as there's not too many of us. She tells them to keep eye contact with her, then her eyes go fully white and they just stay like that for a few minutes before she looks away and scribbles stuff down in a book.

Me and another guy are the last two. He has dirty blond hair and is very tall. "Okay blondie you're up." She looks to me. My eyes widen but I nod and walk over in front of her.

She looks up to me her eyes doing the same thing. My mind slowly goes to mush me not being able to focus on anything but her eyes. Her face scrunches in confusion and she starts shaking her head looking panicked. She looks away after a few moments coughing and eyes watering. My face twists to confusion and I walk over to her putting my and on her shoulder.

"I've never seen anything like that." She looks to me eyes wide. "We usually just see your aura but I could like feel your sadness and pain." I just look at her not knowing what to do. She clears her throat and stands up straight. She smiles sadly at me and then just nods for me to go back with everyone else.

I quickly stumble away going to Devyn who just puts a comforting arm around me and smiles as the last boy goes up.

She finishes on the last guy and turns to use all with a bright smile. "Okay guys, we're done here so now you're free to explore wherever you want. Be ready tomorrow morning because we are all going on a shopping date." She winks at us and grabs the book walking out the door behind us.

"Do you have any idea what just went on with you?" The last guy turns to me. I just kinda drift closer to Devyn and shake my head. "Weird.. Well I hope everything's okay. I'm Aaron by the way." He smiles putting his hand out for me.

"Sam," I shake his hand with a small smile.

"Okay people! I don't really know most of you but you all down to come explore with me?" Devyn asks looking around to everyone. Most say yes some just nodding.

"Great!" She takes my wrist and leads us all out of the room. "So where do we start?"

Lots of love- B🖤
(Word Count: 1245)

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