It Gets a Tad Worse

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Rowoon snuggled deeper into the covers, deeper into the hard warmth at her side. Her hips ached and her lips were swollen, but she wouldn't change it. Couldn't even if she tried. 

The arm around her side tightened, pushing her closer into him. He was getting possessive of her, a dangerous thing to do for an idol. One wrong move could make it difficult for both of them. Not that everything wasn't already in the crapper. But she could be the reason his career took a nosedive. That was the last thing she wanted. 

She could feel her body thrumming with heat, pain and pleasure. Hyuk had done wonders on her, wearing her out that she had fallen asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow for the last time. The last hour she could remember seeing was midnight. He had teased, tortured, and pleased her for nearly nine hours, and each and every round had been something different. 

He had filled her completely, using everything he had to wring as much pleasure as he could from her. Gentle and demanding, thick and firm, caring and rough; all were words to describe him.

 But he had never took what she hadn't been willing to give. He had never forced her to do something she hadn't been ready for. Whenever he had wanted to do something new, he had looked at her face for permission. Only when he had been absolutely certain she had been in complete peace with it had he done what he had wanted. Standing, sitting, propped up, laying down, the shower, and many other places; he had taken her in many more ways than she had imagined. 

She stretched, feeling the way every muscle groaned out its existence. The movements pushed her further into his side. Her hip popping back into place was loud enough she was certain the neighbors had heard it. 

This time he woke up. It was slowly at first, inhaling deeply and his legs shifting. The he was fully awake, arms raised above his head as he stretched. She saw morning evidence under the duvet, but excitement was the last thing she felt. She wasn't sure she could take much more. 

His eyes opened and he focused on her. She couldn't help the smile that graced her face. His smile mirrored hers though it was a tad bit sleepier. 

"Are you okay?" he rasped. He was already a quiet speaker, but hearing his sleepy voice sent a chill down her spine. Briefly she thought about the cigarettes that he smoked and how those could help with his rasp. 

"I'm okay. A bit tender, but okay," she answered. "What about you?"

He stretched again, arms coming down to rest on his belly. "I'm fine."

She snorted. He looked exhausted but she didn't comment on it. "I wonder what the news will say."

He shook his head, morning hair flopping in his face. "Don't worry about it. We'll take it one day at a time."

She looked at him, eyes wide. "You're not nervous about this? You've never had a dating scandal from what I know."

His eyes were closed as he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close once again. "No, I'm not. You'll be in good hands no matter who you're with. None of us will let anything happen to you. But you already know that."

She was quiet for a long while. Hyuk looked down and saw the little pout pushing at her mouth. He leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers. It made her look into his eyes. 

"I'm not letting you go," he whispered. She tilted her head slightly, a frown replacing the pout. "Now that I've got you, you're not going anywhere."

She wanted to say something but didn't want to ruin his mood. Instead, Rowoon smiled and tucked her head under his chin. 


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