The Truth

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A/N: I'm going to try to get as many of these published in the next couple of days as I can. I have an exam at the end of the month, so I have been studying for it. Hopefully I can finish this soon. 


Hyuk watched as Rowoon laid out the terms she had negotiated. He was learning new facets of her personality and her ways of working. She didn't miss anything when it came to her artists. Now he understood why Jiho had wanted and paid top dollar for her. 

He looked over at Dongwook. After watching her talk with Co-CEO Kim Dong Joon about the event for Penomeco, he realized just how cutthroat she was when it came to event coordination. It had only taken one phone call and a brief conversation with Jiho for Penomeco to join the rest of Fanxy Child. She had gotten a phone call from Tablo confirming Millic as they had been headed to Joombas. 

As he watched her, he saw bits on the conversation from earlier resting on her shoulders. Right now she was all business, so she didn't let it bother her too much. But when they were in the seclusion of the car or in the elevator, her expression was open. There was a lot going on in her mind that she couldn't express as freely as many around her could. 

He understood she was protecting Dongwook. It wasn't so much for herself because she had said on many occasions that she didn't care what people said about her. But Dongwook was different in her mind. She saw him in a different light than most people did. She knew his inner mind better than maybe even Jiho. If she thought she was protecting him, then she probably was. But none of them knew to what extent. 

The two men shared a chuckle as Hyuk's CEO signed off on the collab. Not that they had any doubt. Fanxy Child and Club Eskimo brought in a lot of money for their companies. If this tiny woman wanted them for a project, then she was going to get them. 

As they were walking from the conference room, Hyuk's boss stuck out his hand. 

"Are you sure you can't help us?" he asked. 

Rowoon she her head good naturedly, hand firmly grasped in the older man's. "No, sir. I have my hands full with Zico's career at the moment. If I branch out fully, I may go mad. After Zico's tour in South America, I may go for some information about a few festivals. I've been in discussions with AOMG. Jay Park wants to put on a festival in the summer. I've talked to Stay Tuned and Punchnello already. Tablo and Epik High are signed on, as is Mino from YG. Just keep it in mind. It could be a good money maker and marketing success."

He nodded. "I will. I will also be on the lookout for something for Zico."

They took their leave, heading back downstairs slowly. There was already a crowd in front of the company as they walked outside. Nearly fifty fans pressed them from all sides. Many just wanted to pass off their presents to their favorite artists. Others wanted pictures. 

They were ten steps from the car when a rock came hurtling through the crowd. Rowoon's head snapped to the side, a sharp cry following her to the ground. Dongwook barely caught her and pressed his arm to her head as Hyosung pushed them all to the car. He stood with his back to them, arms flung out wide as they climbed in to safety. 

Dongwook removed his sleeve from Rowoon's forehead, hissing at the gash that ran from her eyebrow to hairline. 

"You need stitches," he said. 

"I've called the police," Hyosung said. "Once is a coincidence. We can pass of the house being ransacked as a fluke, but this..."

"You think it's sasaengs?" Hyuk asked. 

"I'm going to call Jiho-ssi. He needs to know about this. The company will have to make a statement, or this will get out of hand quickly. 

Rowoon let out a banshee shriek as she batted Dongwook's hand away. "What have I don so wrong that someone keeps attacking me?! I'm just doing my job, a job I'm damn good at."

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