"Then get me a wheelchair so that I can see my baby." She then looked at Hunter. "Whoever has our babies call them and tell them to bring them to me. I want to see them." she laid back stubbornly. "Nothing else gets said or done to me until i see my babies."
  "I don't want to hear it Hunter. Get them. Now!" He smiled because this was the spitfire Reagan he remembered.
"Yes ma'am." he said going to make a phone call to Darlene who was watching them for him. Five minutes later she was off the see her daughter.
Reagan fought back tears as she got closer to her daughter. She can see that she was a very tiny girl. Stopping in front of her bed she slid her hand inside and gently touched her small hand. She wrapped her hand around Reagan's finger. The tears came then.
 "She's going to be okay Ray..." Hunter reassured her.

"This is my fault. If I would have taken better care of myself..."
"Stop you've done all the right things Ray. This isn't your fault. You were carrying three babies while battling cancer. You did amazing. She's still here and alive. We're going to take her home with us."
 "You promise?"

   "I promise baby." He kissed her forehead. "I promise." She gave her attention back to her daughter.
"Hope." She said then looked back at Hunter. "Did you name them?" He shook his head. "Mind if I?"
  "I don't mind. I was waiting for you to."
"Hope Miracle Smith." She looked at Hunter for improvement and he nodded his head.
 "I love it babe." An hour later Hunter got the call that Darlin was there with the babies. She brung them to Reagan's room and she laughed at the animal suits they were wearing.
 "I had these custom made since they are so tiny and couldn't fit regular two month old clothes."
"Thank you so much for taking care of them." Reagan said.
"It's the least i could do. They remind me of Timmy when he was a little baby. They don't have names yet so I just call them My Baby." Darlene said making everyone laugh.
 "Heaven and Hunter Jr." Reagan said as she picked up Hunter Jr. first. "My sweet boy." He smiled when she rubbed her nose against his. "Look at those dimples. Oh my goodness and you have grey eyes. I didn't notice Hope's eyes." Darlene passed her baby Heaven and she was wide awake and also had grey eyes. Tears came again.
 "Why are you crying now?" Hunter asked.
 "I can't leave my babies Hunter. I can't. Even if I only have a few months even weeks with them I want to spend as much time with them as I can. I need to make some form of memories with them."
"And you will. No one knows the outcome of their future Reagan."

"You know what I mean Hunter." She pulled baby Heaven to her chest. "I was crazy to think that I would be able to leave you." More tears streamed down her face. "I need Hope in here also. Is she allowed to come in here?"
"Yes she is." Hunter said. "The doctor also needs to explain other things to you Reagan."
"I know. I need to do kemo and all of that. It's something I've heard a million times."
 "No Reagan." Hunter got up and allowed Raven in the room along with his baby. Reagan's breath caught. The woman standing there looked just like her. How was that possible?
 "Hi Reagan." The woman said as she pulled the baby towards the bed but all Reagan could do was look at the woman. "Im Raven." She held out her hand for Reagan to take who took forever to shake it out of shock.
 "What is going on here?" Reagan said still confused.
 "Well Reagan I'm your sister." Raven said.
 "My what?" They looked once the door came rushing open again. 
 "Sorry I'm late." Reagan's mouth dropped open even more. It was Rachel at the door.
"What the hell is going on?" Reagan began to panic. Too much was happening at once.
 "Okay i have to ask everyone to leave." The doctor ordered.
Reagan woke to the sound of a crying baby. Forcing herself up she looked to find Hunter rocking Hunter Jr.
"You're going to be a big boy with how much you like to eat." Hunter said and Reagan's smile widened.
"Can I feed him?" She asked and he looked at her surprised to find her woke.
"Sure can." He passed her the baby and the bottle. Hunter watched as she hurried and gave him the bottle because he began to fuss. He couldn't believe that he was now a father and to triplets.
 "Thank you Reagan." He said she looked at him confused.
  "For what?"

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