Chapter 13

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The ride home was very quiet and tense. They didn't know what to say to each other at all. As soon as Hunter opened the door Reagan rushed to her room went into the bathroom where she cried until she couldn't any longer. She wasn't going to just be abandoning one baby but two. Why was God punishing her this way? Why bless her with twins only to have her leave them? Why? She stayed in the room all day. Didn't even come out to eat. Even when Hunter knocked on the door no answer. Growing worried Hunter entered the room to find her on the bathroom floor. The day she was sick in the hotel came flooding back into his mind.
 "Reagan." Kneeling down beside her he pulled her up. "Reagan."
 "Hunter?" She pulled herself up. "What's wrong?"
"You was sleep on the floor. I thought you were sick again. Are you okay?"
"Yes I'm just really tired."
 "How did you get on the floor?"
  "I don't know." She lied.
"Can you stand?" He asked as he helped her up. "Did you eat anything?"
 "I'm not hungry."
"You have to eat for the babies." More tears almost came to her eyes but she forced them back. "The doctor called."
 "Is there something wrong?" She asked alarmed.
  "He needs us to come back in. I can call him and tell him tomorrow..."
  "No today. I can do today."
 "Are you sure?"
 "Yes. Let's go."
Once they arrived back at the doctors he told them that he would like to do another ultrasound.
 "Is there something wrong with the babies doc?" Hunter asked.
 "No we just think one might have been hiding." Reagan sat up.

 "I don't want to get your hopes up but it's possible that three could be in there." He showed them the first picture of the ultrasound and pointed out the third possible heart. Reagan laid back allowing the doctor to search her and minutes later a smiled appeared on his face. "And as we expected. Its three. Congratulations. You're having triplets." Once again the bout of depression came rushing her. The tears came this time. She couldn't hold them back. She rest her head on the window as they came pouring out. Hunter wanted to hold her but he couldn't help but be angry. Why cry when she decided to sign over her rights anyway? What was going on with her?
 "Why are you crying?" He asked unable to mask his anger. Not answering she climbed out of the car once they stopped at a red light. She decided to walk the rest of the way back to his house. She needed some air and time to think. "Reagan." Parking the car he climbed out and went after her. "What the hell are you doing?"
 "I know you're angry with me. I know you hate me and don't understand why I'm doing this but I need you to understand that I love these babies. My babies and just because I've made the decision to sign over my rights doesn't mean that I'm not hurting and dying inside. I want the best for them. It's the only reason I'm doing what I'm doing. It's only to protect them. To make sure they will be safe and happy. I will do anything for these babies even if that means walking out of their lives to be sure of that."
  "So why leave them if you want the best for them? They're going to need you. You're their mother for christ's sake Reagan."
 "It doesn't matter. All that matter are the kids."
 "You're the mother it does matter Ray. You're part of them."
  "Just leave me alone." She began walking away but he grabbed her arm.
  "Where are you going?" Snatching away from him she said.
 "I need to walk. I can't have you in my ear. With your mouth and my thoughts it going to drive me fucking crazy."
 "Where are you walking to?"

   "I'm just walking. Leave me  alone."
  "I'm not leaving you alone." Ignoring him she continued to walk. "Get back in the car Reagan.  " Sighing he went back to the car and watched as she continued to walk away. He started the car and followed once she disappeared in a park. He parked the car watching as she sat down and watched some kids playing. He sat there for about an hour before climbing out going towards her.
  "Are you ready now?" She looked up at him then stood.
 "Only because I have to pee" She said and he chuckled as she walked past him.
 "Are you hungry?"

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