Dark Beginning

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In a world full of super powers, Izuku Midoriya was one of the few that were unlucky enough to be born without a quirk. Ever since he was 4 his life changed. Her loving mother turned into an abusive one and his best friend turned into his worst tormentor. Everyday in school he was bullied by his classmates, used as a punching bag for them to test out theie quirks. The worse of them all was Katsuki Bakugo, a kid with an explosion quirk. He used to be Izuku's best friend but as said, he became his worst bully. Katsuki had a superiority complex and had the necessity to bully Izuku constantly to feel superior. There was no day in which Izuku wouldnt return home without a few burns and explosion marks or bruised and kicked.

Speaking of which, oh his home.... If you could call it that. When he was diagnosed as quirkless, Hisashi Midoriya, the father of Izuku, left him and Inko, the mother of Izuku. His reasons were that of course he did not want a quirkless child. Inko after that developed a drinking habit to cope with the fact of her loved one leaving her. She also developed a habit of abusing Izuku as a way to release stress.

This was the life of Izuku Midoriya.

Why was it like that? Because he was powerless.... And Izuku knew it.

Izuku developed a habit of going to the public library and read some books. The library was the only place were he truly felt safe. One day at the age of 8, 4 years since that hell of a life started for Izuku, he accidentally made his way into an obscure part of the library. There he found books that talked about magic, demons, potions, witchcraft and so. He found it quite interesting. He took a look at a few books. At first those books looked silly to him, after all how would magic really exist. Then as he scrolled through the pages, Izuku found the recipe for a potion that was meant to give a strength boost to whoever consumed it. This peaked the insterest of Izuku. He still though of it as kind of silly but, what if, just what if, it was real?

Izuku took the ingredients needed, animal meat, animal blood, a few plant roots and finally blood of the maker. Izuku did all of that one night and after trying a few times he made the right combination. Izuku drank the potion. Nothing happened.

Izuku: 'Guess it was all just a fake'

Suddenly Izuku felt a weird pain coursing through his veins. He then felt the pain throughout all of his body. Izuku began to twist in pain on the floor, but he would not scream as to nlt awake his mother. When the pain suddenly stopped, Izuku stood up.

Izuku: 'Did it work?'

Izuku then went to the living room in silence and picked up a whole sofa. He wasnt able to keep it up for long but at least it was something. This was the beginning of something.... Something dark....

Ever since that day Izuku kept going to the library and read more books about witchcraft. Soon Izuku learned about the potions written down there. He learned about speed potions, intelligence potions, fire immunity potions, invicibility potions and much more. Izuku then became imtrigued and started to make his potions out of the basic ones. Izuku liked potions but they werent going to be enough to gain the power he so desired to change his life. At the age of 9 he learned about vudu. He learned how to make vudu rituals and used them to manipulate events in his life and the life of others, like the time he made his mother slip in the kitchen, or when he made Bakugo fall down the stairs of the school and he had to go to the hospital for a week, or when he had a quiz he wasnt ready for so he made his teacher crash into another car and it resulted in his death. The realm of possibilities were beginning to open for Izuku. Still Izuku wanted more, he had learned the possibilities he could unlock, the door was open and it would not close back.

At age 10 Izuku learned abou demons and the demon king himself Lucifer or Satan. He learned that it was possible to communicate with them and ask for favors in exchange of "payment".

Izuku's first rituao was when he sacrificed his neighbour's cat and in exchange he would get 10 on a test he hadnt studied for, and the next day, he got a 10. Izuku conducted his rituals in th old basement of his house, where his mother didnt even bother to go down, he always made sure to clean well so nobody suspected anything. Izuku then kept doing bigger and bigger rituals. He sacrificed a dog, then a dog and a cat, then a bunch of pigeons. All of those rituals granted him boosts in his life souch as strength and speed and intelligence anything he could think of. But the boosts were small as the sacrifices he offered were not big enough and Izuku wanted more.

At age 11 he did his first human sacrifice and who would be better to sacrifice fisrt then his own abusive mother. Izuku used his strengtg and dragged his mother down to the basement. He nailed her to the floor and drew the ritual circle. Izuku enjoyed the screams of hee mother as her soul was being ripped off her body. Izuku in exchange gained more power. That power was enough to finally fight back against his bullies.
He enjoyed those powers for a year, but soon he wanted more.

At age 12 Izuku wanted even more power.

Izuku: 'Time to visit my old devil of a friend'

Izuku did the ritual and soon he was in the presence of Satan himself.

Lucifer: Tell me what do you want now?
Izuku: I want power! Unrivaled power!
Lucifer: And what do you have to offer?

Izuku looked at Lucifer for a minute and then smirked.

Izuku: My soul!
Lucifer: Very well then.

Suddenly the floor ripped in two amd Izuku could see bright flames made their way up. Suddenly a bunch of skeletal hands began to pull Izuku down as well as some tentacles which trapped Izuku they were pulling him to hell.

Izuku: Wait! What is happening?!
Lucifer: You know I recquire payment first Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku was being pulled harder and was being covered even more by the hands amd tentacles.

Izuku: Wait.... No.... Nooo... NOOOOO......

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