26 | bad day at black rock

Start from the beginning

"What was in the box?" Dean asked. Wayne looked to the coffee table where the rabbits foot sat. Dean followed his gaze. "Oh, was that it, huh? It was wasn't it? What is that thing?"

     Wayne used Dean's distraction time knock the gun from Dean's hand. It fell to the floor and fired. The bullet ricocheted off the radiator and hit Sam's gun. It fell to the floor as the bullet ricocheted again, breaking a lamp. Sam and Grossman both went for Sam's gun. Grossman pushed Sam towards Abigail, who moved out of the way and towards the coffee table. She grabbed the rabbits foot as Sam was thrown to the floor.

     Grossman began throwing punches at Sam as Wayne prepared to shoot Sam. Abigail watched, unsure of what she should do. As Grossman began to strangle Sam, Abigail knew exactly what she should do. She threw the rabbit's foot at him, letting Sam pick it up. She took out her gun and pointed it at Wayne. She fired it, but it missed.

The bullet ricocheted and flew towards her. She ducked, only to fall back and land on the floor. She groaned in pain and pushed herself back up.

"Dean, I got it!" Sam yelled.

Wayne picked up the gun and cocked it, holding it towards Sam's face. "No you don't."

Grossman grabbed Sam's gun as Wayne pulled the trigger. The gun jammed. Wayne panicked and tried to clear the chamber as Dean got up to try and stop him. Wayne stumbled backwards in surprised, knocking into Abigail. They both fell over the back of the couch, Wayne knocking himself out on top of Abigail.

Abigail pushed Wayne off herself as Sam and Dean shared confused looks. Grossman pointed the gun at Sam.


     Grossman moved, and the books on the shelves behind him fell off and on his head, knocking him out cold. Sam's gun flew from his hand, Sam catching it. Dean was astounded, but Abigail narrowed her eyes at Sam.

     "That was a lucky break!" Dean paused. "Is that a rabbit's foot!?"

     Sam held it up. "I think it is."

     "Give it to me," Abigail demanded, holding out her hand once standing up carefully.


"That has given me bad luck, give me the damned foot," she repeated.

"But then I'll have bad luck," Sam complained.

Abigail sighed.

Much against Abigail's approval, she was forced to stick by the Winchester's sides. Literally. She walked between Sam and Dean with Sam's hand holding her own.

     They were sat inside Biggerson's, where Abigail had seen Bela immediately with a wig on.

Sam was sat on his laptop, Abigail sat across from him and crammed beside the window with Dean on her right, eating a bowl of ice cream.

"Bobby's right. This lore goes way back. Pure Hoodoo. You can't just cut one off any rabbit. Has to be in a cemetery, under a full moon, on a Friday the thirteenth," Sam said.

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