Love You to Death Chapter 2

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I awoke with a start the next morning. I was up at 5 am, getting myself set for my new adventure. I got myself dressed in something that I thought was stereotypical for the 90's: a pair of overalls, a black, crew neck shirt, a red flannel and some converse. I put my hair in a high ponytail with a scrunchie. I hardly ever wore makeup, but I put on a deep red lipstick that complimented my fair skin and auburn hair. I put on a light coating of mascara as well. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled at my work, somehow knowing that I'd fit in just fine. I left the bathroom and packed up my bag with personal belongings. My phone, headphones, my little bluetooth speaker, my MacBook, chargers, Peter's file, the DSM, some toiletries, snacks and clothing were stuffed into this little bag. I honestly didn't know if any of the technology I had packed would work back in the 90's, but the government had its way with technology.

I tried to force myself to eat breakfast, but I wasn't hungry. The excitement of what was going to happen was weighing heavily on my mind that I had to just settle with a cup of green tea. I sat at the tiny kitchen table, clutching my mug with all my might. Did I sense some apprehension somewhere in me? No way. But why was I so worried? I didn't have too much time to fret over my thoughts. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 6:30 already. I quickly washed my mug out, grabbed my belongings and headed out the door to my car.

"This is it. My new life is just beginning." I thought to myself as I drove to the building I was at yesterday. I got out of my car, belongings in tow. I looked at the building and a shiver went down my spine. I walked inside the building and the kind receptionist I dealt with yesterday took care of me again. She told me to wait in a chair near her desk as she phoned for Dr. Schmidt again. I fidgeted with my hands, my anxiety creeping up on me again. I checked the time and saw that I was 15 minutes early. I looked down at my shoes, examining my extremely interesting shoe laces. Dr. Schmidt must have sensed my anxiety as he walked towards me because he chuckled a little. I looked up and I saw him smiling at me.

"Are you ready my dear?" Dr. Schmidt asked me.

I laughed nervously, "As ready as I'll ever be."

He motioned for me to follow him. We maneuvered down hallways that were unfamiliar from yesterday. I noticed that he had an accordion folder in his hand, but I wasn't sure what was in it. We walked for what I thought was at least 5 minutes, making small talk along the way. We got to a door and he unlocked it with his government issued ID card. We walked in and I looked around the dimly lit room. Dr. Schmidt must've noticed me squinting and he flicked on some industrial looking lights. The room had concrete floors and steel walls. It looked like a warehouse of sorts. There were military personnel working vigorously on different machines and vehicles. I was surprised that it wasn't too loud in there. Dr. Schmidt and I walked over to a corner of this warehouse where there was a huge machine, about 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide, that was covered up by a tarp. Next to it was an office desk, with chairs on either side. He sat down behind his side of the desk, and I did mine. I set my bag down next to me.

"Alright dear, let me go over a few things with you." Dr. Schmidt said as he set down the folder that was in his hand. He opened it and pulled out a few things.

"In this file, I have all the ID that I promised you yesterday. Here is $500,000 cash. I put a few checkbooks in here just in case. They are linked back to the government and will clear no problem. If you need more money just let me know. Oh and these-" He picked up a set of keys and jingled them. "The keys to your ride." He set everything back in the accordion folder and wrapped the band around it again. "The location of your car will be in the file. Do you have any questions, Rosie?" He handed me the folder and I put it in my bag.

"I brought my personal belongings with me such as my MacBook and phone. Will I be able to use these devices? I thought I would need to keep some kind of connection with yous here." I motioned to my bag that was next to me.

"Ah, you can in fact, use these items. Let me take a look at them."

I pulled my bag up into my lap and pulled out my electronics. He took them into his possession, got up, and walked to a nearby technician. Dr. Schmidt gave the technician my devices and he walked back to the desk.

"The technician will install programs onto your devices, allowing communication with us, and also government software so you can enter data into our system."

I looked at Dr. Schmidt, fidgeting with the holes in my distressed denim overalls. "What happens if I am put in a situation where I need to tell Peter the truth about this operation? About who I am?"

He looked at me softly, seeing the concern in my eyes. "Don't you worry dear. He is already under government surveillance. We aren't spying on him, but we have him on our radar. We won't keep very close tabs on you all unless you indicate that you need help. You can tell him the truth. I wouldn't be telling you this, though, if you were working with someone who is considered high profile."

I sighed in relief, but more questions filled my head. "How will I get back in time if I need to?"

"Well, you will be dropped off in a location that will be used as a portal from the 90's to now. It will be very inconspicuous. You need to remember where it's at. Normally, it will be a brick wall in an alley of a very inconspicuous part of town. Other times it can be dumpsters at the ends of alleyways. You will know where your portal is at."

I nodded in understanding.

"Do you have any other questions?" He looked at me from behind his glasses, smiling at me lightly.

"No, not right now."

"Well, if you ever do, I will be just a call or an email away. Oh, I almost forgot!" He got up and ran back to where the technician was and came back with my belongings. "Here are your devices back. Are you ready to go, Rosie?"

"I guess so." I smiled at him, the weight of the world seemingly pressing down on my fragile frame. He got up and walked over to the time machine.

He unveiled the machine that was covered in the tarp earlier. It looked like a giant, thick, metal hula hoop with lights around its circumference, appearing every half a foot. There was a control panel on the right side of it. Dr. Schmidt stood at the panel, getting the settings ready for my journey. I walked over to the panel and I saw that he set the date and time for April 1st, 1993 at 0700.

I chuckled nervously. "Is that supposed to be a joke?"

He glanced down at the panel, noticing why I asked him that. "Oh, no it really isn't. I just thought it would be a good date to start at."

I walked to the entrance of the time machine, the inside of the hoop glowing in a myriad of colors. Different geometric shapes could be seen as well. Dr. Schmidt glanced at me.

"Alright dear. Grab your bag. You are going to run into the time machine like you're running for your life. It will take you a minute or two to be transported back to the desired date and time. I wish you luck. You will be just fine!" He gave me two thumbs up, being supportive as always.

I grabbed my bag, looking at the glowing shapes and colors, and gulped loudly.


Dr. Schmidt adjusted a few more knobs and the machine started to emit a loud, buzzing noise. He walked up next to me and put a hand on my back, trying to soothe my worries.

"On the count of three, you're going to run like there's no tomorrow into that machine. Are you ready?"

I nodded.

He counted. One, two, and three...

I clutched my bag so hard I felt my nails digging into my palms. I ran like the wind into the machine, tears leaking from my eyes. Next thing I knew, I was consumed by nothing and everything all at once. 

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