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Charlie pointed us to sit at any table. The place was empty. I felt really bad that her customer's would just desert her so quickly.

R" Are you ok". I grabbed Charlie's arm before she left for the munues.

C" Yeah fine. Everyone has just gone for the free feed and party favors"

I could tell that she was a little worried that they might not come back. She was never sure if her food was ever good enough. I new they would as I new her food was amazing. I looked over at Shannon and saw he was sulking a little.

R" What's wrong Shannon"

S" I don't understand. When ever I give a girl the look, they melt into my arms"

T" It's ok Shan. Maybe it's just because you still have your glasses on". Tomo said leaning on Shannon's shoulders.

Shannon felt his face and realized that he was right. We all busted out with laughter. Tomo was on the ground holding his stomach, whilst Jared tried to wipe away his tears.

C" Ok hear we are. You won't need to wait long for your food, so you will be back on the road in no time"

S" Well that's disappointing"

This time Charlie noticed Shannon's eye's. She gave him a sweet shy smile as she walked back to the counter. Shannon had a huge smile on his face as he new he had gotten to her.

J" Feel better now"

S" At this point in time yes, but the day is still young". Jared rolled his eye's.

Jared lent in closer to me. I could tell that he was waiting for the other's to be destracted before speaking to me.

J" I know what your thinking". Jared whispered into my ear. " He comes across like a horn dog, but it's all an act. He needs people to give him reassurance that he is normal. We have always lived as outsiders and now we are the popular one's. He has recently broken up with a girl and it ended badly. She made him feel like he was that lost little kid again. So please don't think that he's treating your friend like a conquest". He pulled away with pleading eye's.

I looked at Jared with confusion. I new that he and his brother had a ruff time as kids from the little bits that they have shared with the echelon. But I had no idea that they were as fragile like the rest of us. It was also nice to hear that Charlie wasn't going to be Shannon's play thing that he will throw away after he becomes bored with her.

I looked threw the menue trying to decide what I wanted to eat. I could feel a finger brush up against my leg. I looked down and saw that Jared had gripped onto the side of his chair. He must have touched me by accident. After a minute I felt it again. I looked down and saw the same, Jared's hands where on the chair still. I looked up at him and saw a slight smile form on his face.

J" Yes, can I help you"

R" It's nothing"

I looked back into my menue and felt it again. This time I saw his finger as it left my leg. I playfully hit him as he bagan to laugh. He made no eye contact with me as he kept teasing me.

C" Are you lot ready to eat yet". Charlie said as she approached the table.

S" Yes I am"

C" I was actually talking to everyone"

S" I know. I'm just the only one that matters right now". He had a cheeky smile on his face.

Charlie just rolled her eye's. I could see that she thought he was a dick. Well she wasn't wrong, he was acting like one.

We all ordered our meals and chatted whilst we waited for our food. Jared kept his arm on the back of my chair and was rubbing my back with his thumb. I felt a little nervous and decided to go to the bathroom. Once I was out of sight I went into the kitchen instead.

C" You gave me a fright". Charlie said with a knife in her hand, ready to stab me.

R" Sorry. I needed a breather". I lent on the door as it closed.

C" Yeah I'm sure you do". She said smiling at me.

R" Oh you have no idea"

I explained to her the way Jared had been treating me threw out the day. That he has been extra sweet and really close to me. Charlie couldn't help but laugh.

C" You do realize that it's more than likely just his way of giving you the best VIP experience. He probably found out that your a Jared girl and is making your dream come true, without the extremely happy ending". She said with a wink.

R" Your right. No way could he actually like me. I'm not a model, I'm just an average plain girl"

C" Wait I didn't say that. Firstly your not plain, your one of the most attractive women I have seen. Most models I've seen are plain looking and need a lot of makeup. He would be lucky to have you, but in saying that he might not have time for more than a one night stand. With how busy he is"

R" So your saying what exactly"

C" Take it as if he does want you, keep the fantasy going. I know I will with Shannon. I mean for the time he's here in my shop. I don't have all day like you"

R" But I thought that you thought he was a dick"

C" He is acting like a dick, but he's still hot as hell and I'm going to play him whilst I can"

R" Maybe he will notice you at the M&G"

C" He won't remember me, he will have so many girl on him all day that I will just end up being another face"

R" Well best you pay extra attention to his food then. You know what they say, the best way to a man's heart is threw his stomach"

I left the kitchen and realized that I actually did need to pee. Once I entered the bathroom I saw Emma washing her hands.

R" Hey"

E" Hey"

She barely looked at me as she continued to wash her hands. Once I finished and walked out of the stall I saw Emma waiting for me. She lent up against the basin with her arms crossed as she looked me up and down.

R" Can I please wash my hands". I asked nicely.

E" I still can't see it". She said not moving an inch.

R" See what"

E" Why you"

R" I don't understand what your saying". I was starting to get confused.

E" Why did he make me waist an entire month looking for you". She said moving away from the basin and towards the door.

R" Who made you find me"

E" Jared"

She walked out the door, leaving me speachless as I stared into the mirror, trying to comprehend what was just said.

WAS IT A DREAMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon