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Jared wasn't as strange towards me anymore after I told him I was single. He did act strange towards Emma though. I felt a bit sorry for Tomo. Charlie and Shannon were flirting big time in the back, not caring that Tomo was right beside them. Poor thing needs his wife.

Finally we had arrived at the venue. I saw a large group of people near the back doors.

T" Ahh they're here"

R" Who"

T" My guests"

J" Tomo takes care of the tour backstage, after we do our rehearsal"

R" That's nice of you. Will Charlie and I be part of the tour too"

J" No, your with me". He gave me a sweet smile and a wink before holding my hand.

S" And you with me". He said to Charlie.

I don't really know what he response was because it felt really nice to have Jared’s hand in mine again. It's so warm and soft.

After they said hello to everyone we moved inside. A guy with a clipboard showed the croud to the stage. I thought that Charlie and I were going with them too, till Jared grabbed onto my hand tighter and Shannon wrapped his arm around Charlie's waist.

J" Hey Jamie". Jared yelled out to a familiar curly hair man.

j" Hey Jared"

J" I need you to take these two lovely ladies to the stage. We'll catch up in a few"

j" No worries. Right this way". He held his hand out in the direction we needed to go.

J" I'll see you very soon". He whispered into my ear before placing a gentle kiss on my cheek.

I thought I was going to die. Did he really just kiss me. I hadn’t realized I was frozen on the spot, till I saw Charlie's arm locked with mine as she dragged me behind Jamie. Lucky for her noticing.

C" You naughty girl. You just got a kiss from Jared". She whispered in my ear.

R" Did that really just happen"

C" Mmhmm"

We both began to giggle as we walked onto the stage.


I almost pushed Emma into the dressing room after Shannon and Tomo and almost slammed the door shut.

J" What the fuck Emma"

S" Hey calm down. What's going on"

J" After Emma came back from the restroom at the cafe, she told me Rhonda had a boyfriend. Rhonda told me she didn't and hasn't for about eight months"

S" Ooh your in trouble. But seriously why would you do that"

E" To protect him. I've been your friend for years and I've seen you ripped to streds by all those skanks. I'm just looking out for you"

J" Rhonda isn't anything like them, she different. All those other girls loved themselves and only wanted to be with me because of my status. Rhonda is down to earth and doesn’t love herself. She's, normal"

E" You really believe that"

J" Yes and I think after you get to know her more you will too"

E" Fine, I'll be nice. But one false move and I will rip her ass to streds"

J" I'm sure you will"

We hugged it out and went back to being friendly again. Emma new she wasn't going to win, so she just made a note to herself to keep her guard up and look out for any clues.

After a few phone calls and paper work to look over we made our way to the stage. I know it's only rehearsals, but I want to make a good impression on Rhonda. I need everything to go perfectly, or when I reveal my big secret to her later she will think I'm a stalker.

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