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I cleared my throat. R" I guess not". I said with a shy smile.

E" Ok enough standing around. Let's get to our next interview". Emma said in a stern voice.

S" Yes MS". Shannon said saluting her.

Tomo started to laugh out loud and Shannon quickly followed.

J" Come on. We better go so we have time to eat before the sound check.

He held onto my hand again, leading me threw the croud. It felt a little different from the first time. He kept gently squeezing when ever someone came closer to us. I wasn't sure if he was making sure I was ok or himself.

E" Ok so just remember boy's, we need to behave at this next one. They don't really relate to toilet humor"

J" They will Em".

His thumb began to rub the top of my hand as we entered the elevator. I swallowed hard and could feel my hand start to clam up. Jared seemed really relaxed and had a slight smirk on his face. I think he new exactly what he was doing to me.

S" So are you having fun yet Rhonda"

T" Oh I think she is"

They began to laugh whilst looking at Jared holding my hand. I pulled my hand away with what I guessed a red rose looking face. Jared gave them a death stare that made them stop almost straight away.

J" Don't worry about them. They're just jelous that they don't get to hold your hand". He gave me a smile that melted me then went for my hand again.

S" Oh not this time, little bro"

Shannon grabbed my hand before Jared could. He pulled me out of the lift and bagan to run. He almost slammed me into a wall as I was dragged alone. I looked back when we slowed down to go threw a door. I saw the expression on Jared's face, he wasn't happy.

Once we got outside there was a large crowd of people waiting. Shannon got instantly surrounded. The girls were going so crazy that his clothes were getting ripped. He tried to hold onto my hand but lost grip. I got shoved into the pack. I felt like I was being crushed and started to weaken as I new I would pass out.

J" Rhonda"

I felt a familiar hand grab me. The crushing feeling disappeared as people were taken off of me. I got lifted off the ground by strong arms that wrapped around me. I looked up to see blue eye's that could only belong to one person, Jared.

I felt so weak as I was carried into the van. Everyone quickly hopped in and we drove away as quickly as we were able to. I could hear faint voices and gentle hands touch my head.

J" Rhonda. Rhonda"

S" I feel like an asshole. I should have never let her go"

J" I'm the one who let her go. I should have never of let you take her from me"

S" Oh so it's like that. You don't trust me"

T" Will you two give it a rest. It would have happened with anyone of us"

I opened my eye's slowly to see Jared sitting over me. He was angry and concerned at the same time. He had his head in his hands as I layed with my head on his lap.

R" It's no one's fault". I said reached up and removed his hands from his face.

J" Are you ok". He held my hand on his cheek.

R" A little dizzy but ok"

S" We're so not going to the next interview"

J" No we're not. Emma cancel all the interviews for today". He said angry.

E" Already done"

R" You can't do that"

J" I just did. There is no way I'm putting you in harms way again". He said in a soft tone.

I gave him a warm smile as he stroked my head.

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