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Twas the night before Valentine's day, when all through the school, not a chair was creaking, not even the stool. The smug look in Nickie's face hung without a care, in hopes that St. Waves would soon cum there. The girls were settled, their backs to the walls, while visions of sugar plum lips danced in their heads.

Curtain opens and the plot is set. Nicole was assigned the school patrol after the trophy monster 👾 tried to kill some kids. The time was before and thus the sex was innocent and scarce. They were on the school and no trophy monster was there.

Disclaimer: This is a short story unrelated to the chapter that came before.



Schools are so freaking creepy at night. The main corridor just continues until it meets the darkness off the wall at the end of it. The light keeps flickering on and off for some unknown reason. This place gives me the creeps. Today is my last day of this creepy assignment. I've been looking after school for a while now. I guess it's better than desk duty at the sheriff station but I know I could be doing so much more. I chilled air hits the back of my neck and I shoved my hands into my pockets deeper just trying to conserve a few warms that barely got the chance to cling to my skin.

Every now and then Waverly Earp drops by at some nights. Gathering bits and pieces of the case I was so happily denied being a part of by them.

She's the kind of person you see and you instantly are drawn to you know. The kind of girl that teases your senses and makes you mad, happy, and sad all at the same time. Over the past months, we've had this on and off thing going on. Every now and then we see each other and exchange glances that hold something but not enough for me to understand if she's into me or she's just exploring her options.

I make a left at the end of the corridor following the dim path that's illuminated by some of the lights features in the side of the walls. The red lockers seem to carry on forever.

A loud screeching of a chair moving startles my peace and I come to an immediate halt. One hand in my pistole the other on the flashlight. It seems to have come from one of the classrooms down the hall. My heart is going a thousand miles per hour right now.

"Why did I choose this job" I mumble to myself knowing well that I need to investigate what the hell made that sound. I start opening doors left to right. Being as quiet as possible. Every door handle is colder than the one before. My flashlight hits the object in the room illuminating it almost to completion. Lots of chairs and at the front the teacher's desk and whiteboard.

.... Why is it called a whiteboard? It was green at the time I was in school...

"Jesus, concentrate Nicole. The sooner you find what the hell made that sound the sooner you can get the hell out of here."

Another "thod" on the floor puts I halt to my monologue. I aimed my flashlight to the maple colored door and a shadow of something passed by the little glass opening that was positios off-center on the door frame. Chills crept my spine and my stomach felt cold.

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