Out of Breath - James Marriott

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I hate how out of breath he leaves me. From the second our eyes meet to the moment he walks away. Every breath is stolen from me as if I was the night stealing the sun. I can't bare to think of him as my heart races and he causes my world to spin.

He leaves me to feel drunk or maybe I am as every time we speak alcohol is involved. I can't believe this man is my friend. How did I deserve someone so kind and charming?

His smile is wide and warming. It hugs you and holds you in an embrace. I love his smile. I love his warming embrace of affection. He makes me feel whole. He makes me complete.

He will never know of these thoughts, of these feelings he can prise out of my body. He can't be aware of this love that I feel or the air he takes from my lungs. He mustn't know of this, not when he has her.

I'm not saddened by the fact he won't ever be mine. To be in his presence is enough for me. Maybe I won't find a man who holds my heart the way James does without even trying but who am I to break the love he has with another? He is happy, he is alive and that is what I want to see.

He deserves the world and if it's not with me then I will accept my fate. James has left me out of breath too many times and I doubt that will ever end but he is my friend. He deserves the woman who takes his breath away. That isn't me, and I can't be sad because by his side I will stay.

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