Weak - ImAllexx

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Alex laid on the sofa, wrapped in three blankets, his duvet and a hot water bottle. He had tablets spread out all around him and a drink that was close by to keep him hydrated. He was feeling sorry for himself, he hated being ill. He hated feeling like he was unable to do the normal things he did.

Alex had tried to edit his video but every time his laptop would turn on his concentration would quickly escape his mind. He couldn't sit through a movie, he could barely find the energy to get up to go to the bathroom. He was weak and he hated it.

"Do you want anything from Tesco?" George muttered as he left his room, walking into the fortress of ill health that Alex had made.

"A new body? Maybe something to just end it all?" Alex grumbled, a small cough escaping his lips as he pulled the covers tighter around his body.

"No can do mate, I'll just get you some lucozade and tablets. How's that sound?" George smiles back. He knew how much Alex hated this but unfortunately it's part of life.

"Whatever, just don't be too long. I don't want to be alone."

Alex hide under the covers until he heard the door open once again. He saw George walk in with multiple carrier bags followed by Will who had joined him on the shopping journey. Alex smiles, thankful for the company.

"Will..." Alex croaked. "Can you pass me my laptop please?"

"Nope!" Will's strong accent sounded like music to Alex's ears. "You need rest mate, get some sleep. I'll edit that video for you!"

Alex attempted to reply but his body wouldn't allow the sounds to escape. He simply nodded and closed his eyes as he had been demanded. He fell into a peaceful sleep that he desperately needed to recover from this horrid cold.

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