Running Away - ImAllexx

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"What name is it please?" The barista asked after you completed the order.

"Charlotte, thank you." You smiled patiently as you stepped to the side to allow another member of the public to fulfil their caffeine addiction.

'Lottie, that can't be you' was the last thing you heard before you distanced yourself from whatever was going to happen. There was only ever one person that called you that, and that happened to be Alex Elmslie. The man who ran out in you with no reason or rhyme.

You stood, frozen in time, unable to acknowledge him and his stupid charm.

"You haven't change a bit! God, I missed you!" He smiled while standing closer and closer to your body filling with rage. You couldn't make a scene, more for yourself than him. "What's it been, like a year? Easily, maybe more."

"I don't care Alex, just leave me." You sighed, your senses finally coming around. You saw the smile from his face falter but he kept it up. Only the trained eye could notice a twitch so small and quick. The thing with Alex is he was always predictable to you, every move could be planned and he would never think about the consequences. That's why his abandonment hurt you so much. That was the only thing you didn't expect.

It didn't help that he didn't have the guts to tell you himself. A message from your best friend telling you that he needed to get away because commitments were too much for him. He ran, ran from his problems and from the people that were willing to help him. You felt nothing but pain and anger towards the man in front of you.

"Lottie, wait-" Alex called as you turned your head to the woman calling your name and holding a coffee cup high for the world to see.

"I'm done waiting for you. I need to go. Things to see, people to do." You sighed as you grabbed the coffee cup and walked through the door. You couldn't help be add the snide comment in. You knew the comments and rumours that your supposed 'friends' threw around after Alex left. You and him weren't exactly an item but you both cared so deeply about each other. Best friends with some much potential for something more.

Everyone accused you of handling the situation badly when he left. What is the normal response to someone running out on you when they were at breaking point? When you had been pushed away so many times, what were you meant to do? You fell into the arms of another. Not on purpose, not intentional. It just happened, stupidly, but no one let you forget it. No one let you forget that one moment that you will live to regret.

"People like people or people like George." Alex grimaced through gritted teeth. His face filling with hurt and shame. "You really thought he wouldn't tell me?"

"Alex." You sighed, hoping this would be over quick. The crowd around you both now honing in on the fight that was commencing. "It was one night, one stupid night. It was nothing but a moment of madness. You left me Alex. You never told me. You never even spoke to me. Until today, in a coffee shop. I was stupid, I made a mistake and everyone hates me. I lost everything because of your stupid move. You ran away Alex, like always. I wanted to help, I could have helped. But you ran, and left me."

"So you went to George? Of all the people!" Alex's voice began to rise in volume, the whole room had their eyes piercing my skin.

"At least he doesn't run when things get a little tough! At least he looked out for me. At least he isn't scared of commitment!" You broke. Everything rushing to the surface, all the emotions and hatred you had bottled away for months finally exploded into reality. "You know what Alex, this could have been really good. Actually, scrap that, something really fucking great but you ruined it. You're the one that walked away, the one that made me feel like nothing. Yes, I was stupid and I did something I will always regret but George was a mistake. Just like you were."

With that you stormed out of the shop, eyes brimming with tears and anger running through your veins. You hated him, with every fibre of your being. The thing is you also loved him for all the reason you hated. He was the best and worst thing to happen to you.

"Lottie, wait-" the last words the you heard as you stormed out into the road without paying any attention to your surroundings. The final words you heard before the black came.

Maybe running away wasn't for you.

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