Chapter Forty Five

Start from the beginning

Adam looked down, as Ethan coughed. Matt looked down at the cement ground, seeing blood marks from what looked to be the walkers before they came in. Their cells had been set up so they could sleep, and they hadn't gotten to meet Rick, yet.

Rick had gone out after taking care of Lori's life, into the catacombs to let out his rage. To stop these walkers. This never would have happened if there weren't any of them. If there were doctors, hospitals, police, and a stable life; none of this would have happened.

Brittany walked out of the cellblock, looking at Ethan and Adam. "I'm sorry," she mumbled softly.

Ethan nodded. He took a moment to speak, before nodding again. "Thanks, Brittany. It means a lot. Of course it doesn't change the fact she's dead," Ethan said, thinking back to when Brittany had explained what happened to her family. His words instantly felt like lemon in his mouth, squeezing his tastebuds with a bitter taste.

Brittany looked down, brushing some of her hair to the side before nodding. Ethan sighed. "I'm sorry," he apologized.

"I know. It's rough. We've all been there." Brittany said, looking back up before giving Adam a nod, who just nodded, before walking back out to the cells. It was dark, and there were candles lit on the ground and a few lanterns powered by batteries sitting on the ground.

Andrea had walked back into the room with Michonne behind her, seeing Mikaela bunched up in bed. Andrea frowned, wondering what was wrong with her.

"Sorry we were gone so long, Michonne got in a bit of trouble." Andrea apologized before sitting at Mikaela's bedside. "What's the matter?"

"I just feel sick. Don't get too close.. I don't want to spread it.." Mikaela said softly, wiping her eyes.

Andrea stood up, nodding. "Okay. I'll ask the Governor for some medicine.. or that doctor."

Michonne scoffed. "They'll give it to you, and that's just another reason to stay."

"For the last time, we're not leaving!" Andrea said, throwing her arms in the air. "What's it gonna take to get you to stop?"

"I don't like it here. I don't get a good vibe. Ariel's here not even two days and she's head over heels in love with some guy that hasn't even introduced himself to us." Michonne said, growling at Andrea.

Andrea looked down. "Look. Your judgement is a lot, to me." She said softly. "I'll think about it. But can't we just enjoy the time we do have here?"

Michonne rolled her eyes, before walking to the bathroom and shutting the door.

"Why was she in trouble?" Mikaela managed to say, swallowing hard.

Andrea sighed. "She was snooping around, and got into some classified stuff, I guess."

Mikaela rose a brow. "Odd."

Andrea nodded, walking over to the shelf where the water was. "Tell me about it."

Mikaela laid back down, under the blankets. "I think I'm sick. I just need to sleep."

Andrea rose a brow. "You don't want me to get any medicine?"

Mikaela shook her head, smiling faintly at Andrea. "No, thank you."

Andrea sighed, before nodding. She drank the water, before sitting down in her own bed. "Well if you want me to, just holler."

Mikaela nodded slowly, before nestling herself deep in the blankets, smiling a little before closing her eyes. She was glad that her body decided to get sick in the safe town, instead of the hazardous forests.

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