Chapter Five

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I was wrong when I thought I could get Scott out of my mind.
Even with another man inside me as I straddled his waist and rolled my hips, even as his fingernails dug into my skin as he pulled me closer to him, I couldn't escape the thought of Scott. Half of me blamed the terrible sex I was having as Jay awkwardly fumbled to match my pace and scrolled through his phone, and the other half blamed the night of the party. 
What was it about him that made me want him more? That made me find the man I found myself in bed with so unenjoyable? Normally, I'd play off these situations like nothing, use the men who seemed more interested in what was on their Facebook feed to my advantage and only take care of myself, but now I was suddenly aware of how God awful the situation, and I wanted nothing more than for it to end... I wanted nothing more than to be in bed with Scott.

Christ, I knew the man for less than an hour and he was invading my every thought. Why?
His voice, his body, his scent, the feeling of his lips and hands all over me... Those memories of us in that closet were stuck on a never-ending loop I found myself playing on repeat, and if it wasn't for these intruding thoughts and fantasies, I doubted I'd have orgasmed as Jay finished and our limbs untangled from each other.

"Oh, fuck," Jay sighs. One hand slaps my ass as I crawl off his lap and reach for my clothes, the other tugging at the used condom to remove it. "That was..."

"Something," I mutter unenthusiastically. I quickly pull on my bra and underwear, wanting to get out of his room as fast as possible.

"Leaving so soon?" Jay muses. He cocks one dirty-blond eyebrow, green eyes sparkling in amusement as I put on my shirt.


"Oh, come on, babe. Don't be like that."

He reaches for me and I jerk away from his grasp. "Don't what?"

"Well... we could still have some fun, could we not?"

I laugh and shake my head. "I had all the fun I needed for today, thanks."

"I wasn't talking about another round today, baby. I'm sure I wore you out. But maybe again in the future?"

My fingers froze at the sound of his words, at the sound of his suggestion, and I turned my head to look back at him.

"You can't be serious."

"I am."

I stand up and make my way to my discarded jean shorts. "I thought I was pretty clear when I said this would be our last round."

"Yes, but—"

"—And I was very clear when I stated I don't fool around with the same people on a frequent basis. No dating, no relationships. Nothing."

Now it was his turn to laugh as he finishes pulling on his boxers. "That's what every girl says, Brynn, but they always come back for more. Luckily for you," he adds as he eyes me up and down. "You're hot, and I'm open to making this a regular thing, aren't you?"

"What the fuck?"

"You're not seriously suggesting what I think you are, are you? After everything I said, you're still going to suggest—"

"—Being a couple?" He interrupts me with a dismissive wave. "No way, babe. But I think we could be friends, just a little more... friendlier... if you catch my drift."

By now Jay had me trapped on the side opposite the door, his cold lips tracing my jawline. "Come on, Brynn," he whispers. "The sex is already on fire, and let's be honest... we're two of the hottest people at Burke. We won't be exclusive by any means, but we can make this a more... regular thing. Think about it, why don't you? Offers like these don't usually come around more than once," Jay adds, his teeth grazing along my skin and biting the indents Scott had left less than twenty-four hours ago. "You know you want to."

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