Crunch Bar Love

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Shaking her head vigorously, "No way, Joshua as Romeo and Ashley as Juliet."

"Liam and Sadie are your best choice." He pushed.

Crossing her arms, "I beg to differ. On what grounds does it say that those two are my best choices?"

"On the grounds, you don't really like this story."

Taking a deep breath through her nose, "Well I stand by my choice."

"Really?" Glaring at her over his glasses.

Sighing, "All right Liam is Romeo; Joshua's the understudy. But I get Ashley as Juliet and make Sadie the understudy."

"I can see the difficulty in your decision."

Standing, "Oh wow the librarian has jokes."

"Why shouldn't I?" Standing with her.

"Now you're getting it. See how loosening up is fun?"

Giles walked Kennedy to her car and said good night before going to his. It had been a while since he'd had such a relaxing time like this. He liked the fact that Kennedy didn't get mad when he couldn't make it and rescheduled without a second thought. And he thought her fascination with Crunch bars odd yet cute.

As soon as he started his car he nearly jumped out of his skin, Kennedy was up at his window. "Wanted to see if we were still on for Saturday?" She asked once the window was down.

"You couldn't ask me this tomorrow?" Still a little jumpy from the scare.

"Yes." Looking up at her.

Tossing half a Crunch bar in his lap, "See you tomorrow then." She smiled walking away from the car.

Kennedy was sitting in the courtyard at lunch when Giles found her. She didn't look up from her book till he sat next to her.

"What are you reading?" He asked.

Holding it up, "My favorite story ever, Tristan and Isolde."

"If you like that story then why not Romeo and Juliet?"

Bookmarking her page, "Romeo and Juliet killed themselves because they didn't stop to think about other options. With Tristan and Isolde I get to be reminded that no matter what take the chance if you even have an ounce of belief that it might be love; don't stop and think about friends and family because if they really cared for you, they would be thrilled and understanding over the fact you found love."

"I see why you are a drama teacher." Seeing the passion in her eyes as she explained why she loved the story so much.

Setting her book aside, "What brings you here?"

"It's lunchtime and you were sitting here alone," Giles answered.

Looking around, "Where's your lunch though?"

"It''s in the library." Realizing he forgot to grab it off his desk.

Getting up, "Let's have lunch there then. I'm getting kind of hot sitting out here anyways."

Saturday rolled around, Kennedy and Giles decided to meet each other at the movies. At the appropriate time, Kennedy was there and waiting.

Saturday afternoon Giles stood in front of his closet debating between two shirts. Granted the movie didn't start for another three hours, he still wanted to look nice. He was going back and forth holding each shirt in front of him and looking at the mirror when he heard a knock on the door.

Going to answer it he found Buffy, Willow, and Xander on the other side. "We got a problem," Buffy said.

They all walked in. "And not the cute and cuddly kind either," Xander added.

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