Watcher/Ex-Watcher Adventures

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Willow, Xander and Buffy were sitting in the library when Kennedy showed up, "Hey you three, have any of you seen G?"

"He's on a bathroom run," Buffy answered.

"When you see him will you tell him I have a question for him?"

Xander looked up from his book. "Are you two an item?" He blurted out.

"What?" She tilted her head at the question.

"You two do spend a lot of time together," Willow said.

"If G wanted to say what we are to you three he would have told you. After we decided what we are to each other." Kennedy waved a bye as she left.

Kennedy didn't have to wait long to talk with Giles. She caught him just outside of the library.

"Is there something wrong?" He quickly asked when he saw her.

Shaking her head, "Nope. I came by because I have two things to ask of you. First question, tomorrow is opening night of the show, would you like to go with me?"

"I....I would be honored to go with you."

Smiling in joy, "Great and my second thing is if you are not busy tonight maybe we could go on our second date."

"Well....uhhh...about that, I was going to have Buffy go through some training exercises tonight."

"Another night then," Kennedy said.

Giles called after her, "If you like you can come and watch." Then he kicked himself. That sounded so stupid he said to himself.

"Really? You wouldn't mind?"

Grinning a little, "Not at all. I was thinking of how great it might be if you could help with the training."

"Sounds like fun. I'll swing by the library after school then."

Giles watched her disappearing down the hall. When he turned around to go into the library Buffy, Willow and Xander were behind him.

Placing his hands in his pockets, "What?" He asked.

"Nothing," Buffy smirked.

Willow giggled, "Yeah nothing." She and Buffy laughed some more before going back into the library.

"At least she is an ex-watcher. You don't have to worry about keeping the whole slayer thing from her." Xander said.

Giles rolled his eyes while going to join Buffy and Willow. This had to be the first time Giles was happy for training.

Giles heard the last bell of the day for school ring. He decided to wait for Kennedy in the library instead of his office. When he stepped out he saw her sitting on the table waiting for him.

"What training did you have in mind for Buffy?" Kennedy happily asked swing her feet back and forth.

Moving next to her, "I was thinking you can tell me what you and your sister did and we can find some way to combine what you did and what I have for Buffy."

"Sounds like fun." Kennedy happily said.

The last training part of the night was to have two against one; to help Buffy with her surroundings. Giles was quickly out, leaving it down to Kennedy. Kennedy was good; she was blocking a good portion of Buffy's moves.

Panting a little, "You're not bad." Buffy said.

"Thanks. Hey vampire!" Pointing past Buffy.

Turning around, "Where?" She called.

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