Reunions Are Not Always Happy

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It was creeping up on almost a year since Kennedy had left for Rome. She had made sure to call Giles everyday since the departure, but it was starting to wear on the two.

Giles was with the group at the Magic Box. He was in the back with Buffy going over some new training exercises while the others were in the front part of the store. When the two were done they made their way to the others. Kennedy had just walked in through the door as Giles walked into the room, dropping her bags at her feet. Everyone looked up staring at her. Giles made his way over to her looking at her as if she was a dream, some figment of his imagination.

"So that's Kennedy," Tara asked.

"We were starting to wonder if she was going to ever come back," Xander said.

Shrugging, "She's not that pretty." Anya said.

"Well, I am hungry. How about you guys?" Willow looked to the others.

They all muttered a 'yes' as they made their way out. Everyone said 'hi' and Willow and Buffy gave Kennedy a hug as they passed her. Once they were alone Kennedy threw her arms around Giles and kissed him.

She licked her lips with a smile as the part, "I've been wanting to do that for like ever."

He didn't even say anything, he just went in for another kiss. When the gang returned Giles and Kennedy were nowhere to be found.

"Looks like we won't be seeing Giles for the rest of the day," Xander smirked. Anya hit him in the arm hard before going behind the counter.

Giles helped Kennedy bring her luggage inside her place. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today? I would have come and retrieved you."

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Setting her luggage down in her hands.

Placing the things he had next to hers, "More than you'll ever know. I am guessing your sister and niece are ok."

"Wouldn't be back in they weren't. But I didn't really want to talk about that, I have a different subject for us." Smirking at him.

Adjusting his glasses, "And that would be?"

Reaching the bottom of her shirt, she slowly lifted it up. "A nice long bath." Removing her top. "I am oh so dirty. Care to join?" Making her way to the bathroom.

By the time Giles got there, the bath was drawn and bubbles were overflowing and Kennedy was already in. Giles stood in the doorway staring.

"If you're not going to join me at least make yourself useful and grab a lufa. My back could use a good scrub." Pointing to the lufa hanging up on the showerhead.

Getting what she asked for, he sat on the edge of the tub, by Kennedy's back. When Giles reached to scrub her she grabbed his wrist and pulled him in. Giles gasped making all ready laughing Kennedy laugh even harder. He climbed out soaked to the bone with a not so happy face.

Making a sad face, "Come on G that was a little funny."

"I am completely wet." Squeezing his tie.

Blowing some bubbles, "Guess you're going to have to join me now."

"How is that going to solve my wet clothes dilemma?" Looking up at her.

"You have to do something while your clothes are in the dryer. Besides I have been itching for some real personal time with you."

Giles's head shot up at her "Really?" He asked in shock.

"Why do you think I went straight to the magic shop instead of coming here?" Giles' clothes never made it to the dryer, they found themselves on the tile floor of the bathroom instead.

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