Here's Looking To You, Kid

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Giles was on the little couch the hospital had in the room. He jumped up when he felt something hit his face. "Good, you're awake. I'm starving and this hospital food is horrible." Kennedy poked at the tray.

Seeing Twink on the floor after it hit him in the face, "How are you feeling?" Picking Twink up.

"I'll be better once I get some real food in my stomach."

Handing Twink back to her, "Can we pause on being sarcastic? You were stabbed and we need to get who did this."

"Can I at least eat first?" She gave him a pair of puppy dog eyes.

Looking away, "Don't give me that look." Giles told her.

"I will once you go get me some real food. Oh and stop looking at me like I'm on my death bed. It's just a flesh wound." Giles's eyebrow arched as he looked at her which sent a giggle through Kennedy. "What? Like you English folk are the only ones who get to see that movie. Now, will you get me food please?"

The doctor came in just when Giles was about to leave. "Good you're awake." He smiled.

"Had to at some point, can't let you guys have all the fun in living without me. So when do I get to bust out of this joint doc?" Kennedy asked.

Looking at his papers, "Well you look like you are healing just fine. We are just going to keep you for one more night and see how things go now that you are awake. And if everything looks good tomorrow morning you can go home."

"I can't wait. As much as I like you guys because you save lives and all. But at home, I don't have to sleep with death around me."

Chuckling, "Understandable. Since you're awake we can have you fill out a few things before you depart us." Setting some papers on the nightstand next to her before leaving her and Giles alone in the room.

Giles went to get food while Kennedy filled the paper work out. He sat with her while she ate and after a long debate Kennedy finally convinced Giles to go home and get a decent night's sleep.

He came by the hospital the next day before school to pick Kennedy up and take her home. When reaching her room he found the nurse making the bed, she informed him that Kennedy had already left.

"Kennedy!" Giles called walking through the front door of her place.

Not seeing her on the couch he made his way to her room. He turned down the hallway just as Kennedy walked out of her room in a tank and cotton boxers.

Placing her hands on her hips, "What are you yelling about?"

" left the hospital." He looked down in shame.

Making her way slowly down the hall, "People do that. But what are you doing here? It's a school day."

"I thought I go by the hospital and bring you here before going to school." Following her.

Heading into the kitchen. "Well that's nice of you but I'm good. I still have use of my limbs." Reaching for a cup in one of the cupboards.

"True, but you can barely move without some kind of pain." Getting the cup after seeing her wince from her wound.

"G, I'll be fine. Go to school, be the librarian slash watcher. Then tonight I'll let you take care of me if you want. 'Cause come Tuesday you will be back at your place."

Handing her the cup, "So soon?" He said lightly.

"You know you're welcome here anytime. Unless I have a date with a really hot guy than you so definitely can't come over." Seeing the sadness and a little hurt in his face. "G, I'm kidding. From what I have seen, this place is lacking in cute men. Because I have only seen one and he is standing in my kitchen making sure I am ok." Kennedy filled her cup with water and went to the living room.

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