Chapter Ten

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I am at chapter Ten..yaay i never believed i will reach here so soon.Thanks friends for the encouragements btw its Xandra's birthday today...i can't wait to know what's going to happen like yeah something will happen..later friends.


Xandra's POV

I felt water pour on me,ThankGod for the rain i smiled.

"xandra happy birthday!!!,wake up" a voice said.

Did i just hear wake up? Rain is falling and some one is saying wake up.I mean who sleeps in the rain.

I felt fingers around my stomach,wait am about to get tickled.

"Don't you dare tickle me" i turned and opened my eyes it was my brother Jason.

"happy birthday lil sis" he said,landing kisses on my cheeks and fore head.

I blushed,eew its my brother and am blushing.Ok yeah am blushing because of the outstanding show of love,Jason and i aren't that close so this was unexpected.

I looked around my room "Thanks,where is mum?"

"She had to leave for work an emergency meeting was called"he said staring at my neck.

"That's not fair"i winced.

Hmm what is he looking at now am beginning to get scared this ain't my brother.

I looked down and touched my neck,a necklace i didn't wear a necklace to bed.

I removed it,whoa its beautiful,it has this emerald love shape with wings on it.

I hugged my brother with my wet body"Wow,thanks Jason"

"You are welcome pumpkin,you need to stop hiding your real eyes all the time" he smiled.

"I don't hide it all the time" i snorted.

"Well am sick of you lying to them that its just contacts"

"That's because i don't want them to think am awkward,try to understand bro" i shook him a bit.

"Well,be fast am driving you to school today,i am your chauffeur for today" he grinned.

"Aww,that's so sweet" i smiled giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"Be downstairs in twenty minutes" he said leaving my room.

I grumbled,twenty minutes is too short .

I step into the shower,i hope my friends didn't organize any party it would be really annoying.

I wish i stayed to listen to what Hannah had to say,but i gave her my trust she betrayed me why didn't she tell me everything that night,i am sick and tired of those myths.

Jason yelled "Five more minutes girl".

Oops,i hurried out of the shower.

What am i wearing today,i said to myself checking my wardrobe.

I will just dress normally,i am not celebrating anything.

I picked out a black skinny jeans and a red halter top with emerald shoes to match with my necklace.

Checking myself in the mirror...its too flashy ooh.

"xandra don't make me come and get you" Jason yelled.

Too late to have a change of clothes,i picked up my bag and hurried downstairs, i bet i will have a thousand messages haven't checked my phone today.

Surprise surprise surprise!

I saw my mum,troy and lily grinning at me and throwing me balloons.

"Oooh,quit this am not a kid anymore" I grinned

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