Chapter Six○●●

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Alexandra's Pov

"what message? i said in a shocked voice.

"We can't talk about it here, how about you give me your number,then we will discuss in a place to meet" she said in a whisper.

"Alright" i said, then scribbled my number in a paper.

"here it is" i said,handing it to her.

"thanks" she said,and walked away.

While driving home i kept wondering what could the message be.I haven't still heard from troy checking my phone no reply yet that's so unlike troy.


After a cool shower,i dressed in a black halter top and purple skirt,i have to be in lily's place soon.

Then i heard my phone ring,lily should be patient.

Picking the phone up..omg its troy yaaaay.

"hello love" he said,i could feel he didn't sound happy.

Hey troy,are you okay? What happened?" i said, a bit worried.

"sorry I didn't call you,my grandma passed away last night"he said,sadly.

"Omg! Troy am so sorry,how did it happen? I said sounding

shocked ( its so surprising that woman is still young she is not even sixty,troy loved her so much i used to be jealous of her until i met her she was so sweet i couldn't help but love her too)

"she was mur-murdered,stabbed in chest and stomach" he said.

What!are you sure ? That woman was too good to die this way" i said,in a shaky voice trying to control myself from busting into tears.

"i couldn't believe it myself, don't cry,please I have been trying to stop myself since,if u do I will just break down" I said.

"okay,I will try,troy can I talk to you later, my mum needs me" i lied,trying not sound hasty.

"alright, you" he said

"love you too"i said.

After he hung up,i lay on my bed and wept.

Who will always help troy and i settle our misunderstanding,

who will teach me recipes of meals troy enjoys.

I will miss that woman,who could have murdered her,she didn't deserve to die this way.

Her smile.

The way her blond hair curls bounces  anytime she laughs.

That woman was sweet,my mentor,my role model.

Samantha i love you alot and i know troy won't rest till he gets your killer and i am going to join him..i promise.

I heard my phone ring,my chipmunk ringtone made me smile a bit.

Ooh its lily.

"hey Alexandra" she said  sounding disappointed.

"hello lily" i said dryly.

"what's wrong? Is it troy? Is he fine? she said,sounding a bit sacred.

"he is fine,its his grandmother" i said.

" ooh is she sick? " she said,in caring tone.

"she is de-de" i said,i couldn't bring myself to say it.

Xandraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن