Chapter 1 | Episode 1 - The Shield Hero

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Psyhco: And now we begin on the actual series! I hope you like it! 

Keys: (None of these apply to the Notes at the top of the Chapter!)
The Non-Canon Story & Characters(Normal)
'The Non-Canon Characters Thinkin'(Italics)
The Canon Series(Bold)
'The Canon Series Thinking'(Bold Italics)
Notes from Author/Psycho(Italics Underlined)
Time Skip(Bold Underlined)


Emma: "Now, since everyone's ready, Let's begin!" She clicked the remote and the Screen at the front turned on. Everyone but Naofumi and the 3 Idiots was surprised and confused about what was happening 

We see Waves crashing and thin fog everywhere in front some cliffs before the view changes to follow some weird birds. The view changes again to Naofumi sitting on top of a cliff with his back to the viewers, his cape fluttering around. An orange ball rolls down beside his feet and the view changes to younger Raphthalia coming down to the cliff and standing a bit behind Naofumi. 

Naofumi: "Is that me?" 

Motoyasu: "Why is Naofumi there?" 

Emma: "I said it's called 'Rising of the Shield Hero'. Use your head why don't ya?"

We see Naofumi's face as he looks behind him at Raphthalia, before standing up with the ball in hand. He walks over to Raphthalia, handing her the ball. 

L'Arc: "Why do you look so depressed?" He looks at Naofumi

Naofumi: "Don't ask me. I don't even remember this happening."

Raphthalia takes hold of the ball and suddenly the sun shines down on the two through the fog. 

Filo: "Why isn't Filo there?" She asked before eating some more candy with Melty

Raphthalia: "When did this happen? I can't seem to remember"

Emma: "Don't worry about it." 

The light shines brightly and the screen turns white before we see Naofumi on his bed in a black t-shirt, waking up abruptly. The view changes to the upper corner of Naofumi's messy room, as he dit up on his bed, scratching the back of his head. 

Naofumi: "What a weird dream." 

Naofumi: "Wait a second. I remember this! That was the day I was summoned."

Paphthalia: "This is Naofumi-Sama before he was summoned?" She said to herself before looking intensely at the screen

Motoyasu: "Wait, this whole thing is about Naofumi?!" 

Emma: "That is literally what I hinted before! It's called Rising of the 'Shield Hero' who else would it be about?!"

Naofumi: 'My name is Iwatani Naofumi. I'm a second-year student in college, and kind of an Otaku.'

Naofumi: "I don't remember narrating to myself. I don't want to see myself narrating everything." 

L'Arc: "I'm sure it'll be fine."

Emma: "Yeah, don't mind it. It's so whoever is watching this can know more about the Main Character" She turned around to look at him

Naofumi: "I'm the main character?" 

Emma: "Yep." She said turning back around

Naofumi goes over to his computer and clicks some stuff before going over to the curtains. He draws back one of the curtains and flinches when the bright light hits his eyes. Naofumi then looks outside. The view shifts to outside, showing Naofumi's house

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