14 - Midas

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TWO WEEKS WENT BY, AND FOR THAT ENTIRE LENGTH OF TIME, MILES COMPLETELY IGNORED LUNA. He didn't respond to any of her texts and calls, went out of his way to avoid her at school, and refused to talk to her when he couldn't avoid her. Luna knew he was mad at her for something, but she had no idea what she had done to make him so upset. And, since he was ignoring her, she couldn't ask him what the reason was. She'd tried asking Rio and Jefferson, but they weren't much help either, as they were confused by her words, telling her that he was totally normal around them and his other friends. 

Thankfully, Luna had Araceli, Tessa, and Benjamín - especially Benjamín. Though she didn't see him as a "replacement" for Miles, he did fill the void where Miles usually was, often hanging out with her, Araceli, and Tessa in Miles' absence. Benjamín also went with her and Araceli to their gang meetings, and since he was also very wise for someone his age, he gave Luna and her father advice on subjects Luna knew she couldn't talk to Miles about. 

So now, as Luna sat in the passenger seat of Benjamín's car, she looked down at her phone to see there were still no new messages from Miles. She couldn't help but sigh at the sight, her heart sinking; she missed him terribly. 

"Hey," Benjamín said to her upon noticing her response. "No te preocupes, Luna, he'll talk to you again." 

Luna looked up at him. "How are you so sure?" 

Benjamín smiled. "He's been your friend for twelve years. Whatever he's mad at you for, it won't last. You've known each other too long." 

Luna smiled back, assured by his words. "Thanks, Ben." 

Benjamín nodded. "Of course. Now let's head in." 

The two got out of the car and headed into the Big House. The rest of the gang were there with the exception of Talía and Jazmín, relaxing on the seats like usual. But, as Luna stepped inside, there was another person there, standing in the shadows - someone that Luna didn't recognize. 

It was a boy around her age, maybe closer to Benjamín's. He was tall and muscular, with chiseled features, piercing brown eyes, and a mess of brown curls on his head. He was dressed in a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows (revealing the jet black tattoos on his arms), black pants, and a black button-up vest. Two golden handguns hung in holsters by his sides, one on each of his shoulders, and a golden belt was looped loosely around his waist. He held himself like someone of authority - someone who was obviously important to whatever group he belonged to. 

Luna didn't know why the boy was there - she had never seen him before, and her father would've told her if he had been inducting a new member. But she didn't want to stick around and find out. So, she did what her mother had taught her to do: attack him before he could attack her. 

She leapt over one of the couches, tucking and rolling before socking the boy hard in the jaw as everyone gasped at her actions. Then, when he bent over from the impact of the blow, Luna grabbed his shoulder and forced his back against the wall, pinning him there with a knife to his neck as she glared at him and ignored the frantic shouts of the other gang members. 

"¡¿Quién eres y qué diablos estás haciendo aquí?!" Luna demanded, speaking rapidly and angrily. 

The boy, however, was surprisingly calm despite her hostility - he wasn't fighting back, and he didn't look panicked or frightened despite the blade that was dangerously close to his throat. In fact, there was a slight smile on his lips as he looked at the smaller girl. 

"Relax, butterfly," he said coolly. "No need to get all twisted." 

Luna narrowed her eyes at him, forcing the knife closer. "Don't play games with me, dipshit," she hissed, switching to English. "Now you have zero seconds to tell me who you are and what the hell you're doing here before I slit your throat for trespassing." 

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