16 - Not So Bad

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She didn't know why she had taken her dad's gun and threatened to kill herself if Miles turned her and her family in. She not only valued her life, but life in general. That was why she hated guns in the first place - they could take a life easily. So why had she threatened to end hers? 

In all honesty, she was shocked that Miles had found out. True, she should've known that Spider-Man would've told Miles that he recognized her, but she thought she would've had more time. And she wanted to be the one that told him, not Spider-Man. But that opportunity had been taken from her. And now things would never be the same between them. 

Luna wished with all her heart that things could be different. She wished she could go back in time and undo what had been done. She wished she could refuse to take that job from her dad, then stay home and talk to Miles all night. But she couldn't. She could never undo it, and things would never go back to normal again. 

Luna had been afraid to talk to anyone after what happened with Miles. She'd spent almost two weeks in her room, refusing to answer anyone's texts or calls (especially Miles') and basically closing herself off from everyone she cared about. She hardly slept or ate, instead just stayed in bed and stared at the ceiling. No matter how many times her siblings, parents, or friends tried to get her to come out, she wouldn't. She was too scared and too ashamed to face anyone. 

Luna knew in the back of her head that it wasn't healthy to be doing this. But she was too distraught and mad at herself to care. 

Now, it was getting close to the three week mark since her conversation with Miles. Luna was still in her bed, burrowed under the covers as she stared blankly at the wall. It was almost noon, but she hadn't even changed out of her pajamas. As she lay there, her stomach grumbled, telling her to eat, but she pushed down the feeling and wrapped her blankets tighter around her body. She didn't want to leave the safety of her own bed. 

Luna's back was to the door, so she didn't know who it was when she heard her door open and close. But she figured it was her sister, so she sighed and said, "Go away, Jazmín, I told you I'm not hungry." 

"Yeah, I'm not Jazmín." 

Luna's head snapped up, and she spun around, shocked to see it was Midas. The tall boy was wearing a white shirt with the collar popped open and dark jeans, coupled with the golden belt Luna was now so used to seeing him with. However, his usually cocky smirk was replaced with a look of genuine concern as he frowned at Luna. 

"What the fu- Midas?!" Luna said, abruptly sitting up. "What the hell are you doing here, how'd you even find out where I live?" 

"Your dad called me," Midas replied. "He's been trying to get you out of this bed for three weeks. He says you haven't eaten or slept, and you rarely leave this room anymore. He wants you to get out, get some fresh air." 

Luna scoffed. "And he thought you, of all people, would have better success in getting me out of bed." 

Midas smirked. "I had to deal with getting my sister out of bed every morning for years, and she sleeps like she's dead. Trust me, I'm a pro at this." Crossing his arms, his smirk faded as he went on, "Now, I'm only gonna ask you nicely once. Get out of this bed, Luna. Now." 

Luna snorted, rolling her eyes. "Ve a la mierda, engreído mierda," she mumbled, rolling over and pulling her blankets back over her shoulders. 

Luna heard Midas sigh before she heard the sound of footsteps retreating from her room. Satisfied that he had left, Luna closed her eyes, preparing to get a little sleep now that Midas was gone. 

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