19 - Zappy Pops

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It had been almost a month, and she'd been avoiding him the entire time. Miles knew Luna almost as well as her family did, and he knew that she had most likely been avoiding him due to shame of her actions. But Miles also knew Luna well enough to know that she would let her shame and guilt get the best of her, and she'd fall into a deep depression that could lead her to neglect herself for days if not weeks. He would never forgive himself if Luna wound up doing that to herself or worse, and so he knew he had to go apologize - despite the fact that it could end just as badly as the last time. 

But Miles also knew he couldn't just show up at Luna's house - especially if she was upset with him. And she most likely wouldn't accept his apology, claiming that she was the one in the wrong. So that left him with only one option: he had to go to her house as Spider-Man, and apologize for both Spider-Man and Miles. 

So Miles donned his suit before crawling out of his bedroom window and swinging off into the city. Since Luna didn't live too far, it didn't take him more than ten minutes to get to her house, and the sun was still high in the sky when he arrived. He saw that her bedroom window was open, and the light was on, telling him that she was inside, and he landed on the wall under her window before crawling upwards. Carefully and quietly, he slipped into the room, then landed in his signature spider-stance on the floor before standing up and looking around. But the room was empty, which confused him. Why was the light on if she wasn't here? 

Suddenly there was a dark blur, and Miles' legs were swept out from under him. Caught off guard, he landed hard on his back, but before he could even move an inch he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun. And, when he lifted his eyes, he was shocked to see Luna at the end of it, pointing the weapon at his head with a look of fury and alarm in her eyes. 

"You!" Luna hissed. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Miles said, trying to stay calm as he held up his hands. "Just calm down-" 

"Don't you fucking tell me to calm down!" Luna growled. "Thanks to you, my best friend knows one of my biggest secrets - one that I kept to keep him safe - and now I have to use this!" She nodded at the gun. "Not to mention because of you telling him, he told me that I had to turn myself in and basically abandon my little sister! So I'm only gonna ask you one more time, and if you don't give me a straight answer, I will not hesitate to beat your ass." Luna's eyes narrowed. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?!

Miles eyed the gun warily. She had so much more confidence with it than he had seen the last time. What had happened to her to make her so comfortable with a gun? 

However, he pushed the thought aside and met Luna's eyes. "Look, I just wanna talk," Miles said. "That's all." 

Luna's hostile stance subsided, but only slightly, and her fierce glare softened a bit. "And why the hell should I believe you?" she asked. "Last time I checked, you fucking ruined my relationship with my best friend!" 

Miles couldn't believe it. Was that why she had been avoiding him? She felt so guilty that she thought their friendship had been destroyed? But once again, he pushed the thought aside and shook his head. "I swear I'm not here to turn you in," he said, slowly getting to his feet with his hands still raised, as Luna tracked him with the gun. "I just want to talk." An idea quickly came to him, so he took off his webshooters before placing them on the vanity behind him and holding up his hands again. Then he nodded at the webshooters and said, "I basically need those to defend myself. So you see? I just wanna talk." 

Luna met his gaze for a moment, not saying a word. Then, she lowered the gun before sticking it in the waistband of her pants and dropping her defensive stance completely. "Fine," she said, sitting down on the bed and motioning for him to speak. "Talk, then." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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