10 - Project Helios

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He had been spending most of his free time trying to find out more about the strange man from the boardwalk as well as Kingpin's disappearance. He knew the two were related, but he didn't know how they were related. However, after a week and a half of research, he had come up with nothing.

So, as Miles sat at the top of Oscorp Tower, he felt completely and utterly defeated. He had no idea how he was going to keep Brooklyn safe if he couldn't figure out who was endangering it in the first place. Half of him wanted to give up, but the other half of him knew he couldn't. After all, Peter Parker didn't give up — even when everyone told him that he should.

Suddenly Miles perked up as an idea popped into his head. Peter. Even though he was retired as Spider-Man, his girlfriend, Catarina Borello, was a detective for the NYPD. She kept tabs on all villain activity in the city, and since she was very stealthy and didn't appear like someone who would be a detective or a threat, she could get in and out of almost all dangerous places without being detected by any hostile entities.

Taking out his phone, Miles lifted his mask up and brought up Cat's number, then hit the green call button and raised it to his ear.

"Hey there, Spideyboy," Cat said cheerily, answering on the third ring.

Miles rolled his eyes in amusement. "Cat, we've been over this. It's Spider-Man, not Spideyboy."

"Same thing to me," Cat replied (to which Miles snorted), then added, "But anyway, how have you been? It feels like we haven't talked in forever."

"Yeah, I know," Miles agreed. "But as much as I'd love to catch up with you, I have a favor to ask."

"Sure, what's up?" Cat asked.

"You heard about the boardwalk attack last month, right?" Miles asked her.

"Miles, seriously. I work for the NYPD. I didn't just hear about it, I was there."

Miles winced. "Right, sorry. So did you guys happen to figure anything out about the guy who caused it?"

"Yeah. Hold on, lemme bring it up." There was the sound of shuffling for a few moments before she spoke again. "Yeah. The media's calling him Mister Negative. He's had minor appearances here and there before the attack, but the boardwalk was his first big one."

Miles nodded. "What has he done up until that point?"

"He's orchestrated little raids and ambushes on power plants and facilities," Cat told him. "All of them belonged to Oscorp."

Miles huffed, nodding again. Apparently this Mister Negative had a grudge against Oscorp. "Weird. Has he had any recent activity?"

"Let me see." After a pause, Cat answered, "Yeah, actually. Our data shows that all the recent attacks Mister Negative has orchestrated were close to places that Kingpin used to frequent. So I'm pretty sure he's the one who broke Kingpin out of prison."

Miles inwardly groaned. It was totally obvious; how had he missed it? "God, I'm so stupid."

"No, you're just young," Cat said teasingly.

Miles huffed. "Not helping."

"I know, but it was funny, huh?"

"Cat." Miles huffed again. "Focus."

"Right, sorry."

Miles sighed, rubbing his face. "Alright, so do you know what they've been up to?"

Familia ✧ MILES MORALES ❨o.h.❩जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें