6 - The First Day

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FOR THE MOST PART LUNA'S FIRST DAY WAS UNEVENTFUL. She figured out what and where her classes were, got to know her new teachers, and made sure to stay on the principal's good side. Other than her encounter with Aiden, nothing too crazy really happened, which she was grateful for.

When nutrition came around, Luna said goodbye to her friends and headed over to the library. She needed answers for what had happened to her, and she figured that this was the best way to find them. So after finding an empty computer, she sat down and typed in the first thing that came to her mind: Raevanna, aka Knightwing.

Several news articles popped up during her search, the first one being a wiki page. Curious to know exactly how much information the internet had on Raevanna, Luna clicked on it, reading through the page.

"Hmm," Luna said to herself. "So she's 360 years old." She huffed. "Could not tell."

She kept reading, learning more about the powerful faery such as her abilities and her relationship with the avengers. But it still told Luna nothing about why she decided to help.

Clicking out of the page, the next thing she looked up was the boardwalk attack. It was the biggest headline of the week, with dozens of articles covering the event. Luna looked at several of them before shaking her head; they didn't say anything she didn't already know.

Luna paused for a moment, biting her knuckle as she thought back to the attack. The conversation she'd had with the strange man came back to her, and she realized he had said "Kingpin wants you alive."

Almost as if kingpin was a person and not a noun.

Perking up, she quickly searched the name Kingpin. All she got was the definition, so she specified, typing "Brooklyn Kingpin". And the headline of the first article she saw made her heart drop to her feet.

Brooklyn Mob Boss Kingpin Escapes From Prison Without A Trace.

Luna clicked on the article, opening it up before reading it. Kingpin was, in fact, a person — a massive mountain of a man who had been the head of the science company known as Alchemax. The new Spider-Man had put Kingpin in prison after it was discovered that the man had a machine built that could open other dimensions — a machine that almost destroyed New York. But now, after four years with no activity or problems from Kingpin, the man had broken out of prison and had vanished, with no way to track him down.

Luna leaned back in shock. This Kingpin must've hired the other man to attack the boardwalk, she realized. But how did that tie in to Luna? And what did either of them want with her?

Luna still had so many unanswered questions. But just as she started to research more, the bell rang, signaling the end of nutrition. Her eyes went wide as she looked at the clock. She had completely lost track of time.

Standing up, she collected her things and left the library, taking out her schedule. Her next class was English — a class she knew at least one of her friends was in. So she headed to class, ignoring the stares and whispers of the students around her.

"Hey, Luna!"

Luna froze, closing her eyes and sighing. Not this asshole again.

"Hey," Aiden said as he jogged up to her. "Heading to your next class?"

Luna snorted and started walking again. "No, Aiden, I'm going to go rob a bank."

Aiden laughed. "Okay, good point. So what's your next class?"

Luna scoffed. "Like I would ever tell you."

"Is it marine science?" Aiden asked.

Luna took out her phone, quickly sending a text that read, "triple a. im near the library." to Tessa before stopping and looking at Aiden. "Listen very closely, Aiden, because I'm not going to repeat myself again, and this will be the only time I will be nice about it. I am not interested in you. I never have been, and at this rate, I never will be. So I swear to god if you don't leave me the fuck alone, I will beat your ass without breaking a sweat. Got it?"

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