7.Percy's biggest fear

Start from the beginning

Perci closed her eyes for a second. It was what she had expected. Annabeth Chase dead. She has seen it almost everyday. Her worst fear of her friends and family dying.

While everyone were looking at Percy, the boggart changed to show a boy who had a wisp of hair under his chin and a rasta cap. He was like the girl wearing an orange shirt and had a vine around his neck choking him. Another round of gasps. Everyone saw Perci lifting her wand while she froze seeing the next one.

Perci opened her eyes to see Grover dead like Annabeth. She have to end this now. She lifted her wand when she froze. There in front of her were the Weasley twins dead. She has always seen her friends from Camp Half-Blood dying while she stood there helpless in her sleep but this was new to her. Ever since she had known about the godly world she swore to herself to not pull them in it but this just increased her fears.

The boggart has changed yet again. Now showing a girl with pale skin and lifeless black eyes. Then it changed again and again. The only similarities were that everyone were dead and they were close to her. They figured the latter out when the other Weasleys, Harry and Hermione appeared. Everyone blamed her for their deaths.

Perci just stood while her 'friends' appeared. Bianca Di'angelo, Zoe Nightshade, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Thalia Grace, Molly Weasley and her loved ones appeared dead.

Everyone saw as a man appeared with black hair and sea green eyes like Perci's but unlike her's it was cold not filled with mirth. He was a spitting image of Perci. They decided that it must be her father. He was wearing a tropical shirt and bermuda shorts. He spoke, "You!" he pointed accusingly at Perci. "You are no daughter of mine! You left your friends and family to die! Your not worthy to be alive! You are just a mistake!" His voice was as cold as his eyes.

Perci just stood there her heart aching while her brain yelling at her that it wasn't real.

The boggart changed yet again. This time a man with severely cut hair and beard. He was wearing a pinstripe suit and as the other man his eyes were cold and irritation was shown in his electric blue eyes. "You Persephone Jackson has been a disgrace! I should have killed you in the first chance I got! You-"

"Riddickulous!" Percy shouted with such dominance that the boggart changed in an instant. Zeus's clothes turned into pink unicorn pajamas with a cap and he started singing some stupid song. She just slowly sank to the floor shaking.

Nobody laughed horrified of their friend's fear. As the boggart began to change, Perci just waved her wand wordlessly and fake laughter echoed through the room and the boggart was locked in the wardrobe again.

The twins just watched, clueless on what to do. Then something snapped inside them. Their friend was in need of help. They both rushed towards their best friend. She didn't cry but she was shaking nonstop. They hugged her on either sides and began whispering things into her ear. They escorted her to the nearby bench in the same position. George summoned a goblet and Fred filled it with water.

Professor Lupin was dumbstruck. He was surprised by her fears. They were only not for herself but her loved ones also. The fears were also a nightmare. And let's not forget that she performed a wordles spell.

Perci felt better after drinking water. It rejuvenated her as usual. She was grateful for Fred and George who brought her out of her terrifying flashbacks.

"Are you okay Perci?" Lupin asked her concern lacing his voice.

The person in question nodded.

"That is your fear Perci?"

She nodded again. "That's why I said I'd rather not see them again,"

"You have seen them?"

"Nightmares, flashbacks and some of them are really dead."


"Things happened...I'd rather not talk about it."

Lupin dropped the subject knowing that he cannot get anything in that subject. So he asked the other thing that should not be associated with these children. "Flashbacks?"

She nodded shrugging.

"Perci, do you have PTSD?"

She hesitated then slowly nodded.

"You have a doctor?"

She nodded and sighed. She stood up. "Please I don't want pity or anything. They don't do anything. These guys," she pointed to the twins who were solemn for once. "have known this since forever and I expect you all to treat me the same as they do"

Everyone just stood. Slowly, they nodded. Each one promising to make their friend, best chaser in quidditch, the one you can ask help for a subject, the best in her year, the one to talk about anything, each one taking a resolution to make her happy.

She smiled at them. She turned to Lupin. "Shall we continue the class sir?"

The class continued as if there weren't any disturbances. True that, but this incident spread throughout out the school like wildfire. Everyone saw Perci with new found respect.

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