plan pt.2

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Y- why the hell is jazmine commenting on my post

D- calm down she just wants attention

Y- yea right

D- wanna go to sleep?

Y- uhm yea sure

D- ok let's go

We both went upstairs and went to sleep together

Thursday 8am 2/13/20

Diegos pov

I got out of bed luckily y/n was still asleep.

I got changed and brushed my teeth and grabbed something fast to eat

I had to pick up alex,devyn and julian oh also Carlos

We were planning to buy the tickets today I grabbed my phone and got my car

I picked up alex and devyn first then Carlos and julian

C- so we all playing right?

J- well duh the tickets are expensive🙄

Dev- Did she see you?

D- yes were all buying the tickets and no she was asleep can you text her for me what if she wakes up and dosent see me there

A- Here I'll do it

He grabbed my phone and texted her


D- hey y/n I went out with alex he wanted to get something for devyn yk Valentines is coming so I'll see ya later <3


A- there she might believe it

D- might??

Dev- Dont worry she wont know

We arrived at the airport

And we asked for tickets to the beach and we all shared the total

After that I hid them in my car so y/n wouldn't know

A- I dint eat so can we go eat something

Dev- are you serious you ate cereal

A- Still☹

C- fatass🤣🤣

J-lets go to Panera its literally across the street

D- bett

We went to Panera and ordered food we ate and talked on how to tell y/n about the trip

D- so do I have to tell her today?

Dev- uh well I guess I mean the trip is tomorrow and well a girl HAS to pack

A- fr devyns been crazy lately trying to find the shit shes gonna take

J- bro it's just some clothes and a toothbrush

Dev- your not a girl JULIAN 😒

J- alright

He put his 2 hands in the air

A- anyways so you have go make it special and tell her

D- ok I'll take her out for dinner

Dev- tell us how it goes

Forever mine💕🥀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora